Study space changes on Level 2

Following consultation with students, we have recognised the need to redevelop study space on Level 2.

A majority of students (77% of those who responded) said they wanted to see more quiet or silent space in the library. You said you found the very mixed zoning on Level 2 of the Learning Centre a particular problem, and we appreciate it’s difficult to understand what the expectations for this study space are as we have a combination of quiet, silent and group areas in such close proximity to each other.

This was further highlighted through the survey, and also through focus groups which we ran in conjunction with the Student’s Union.

As a result, we have decided to provide a clearer, more simplified zone layout by making all of Level 2 of the Learning Centre a quiet/individual working zone. The group study tables that were in this area (see picture below) are being moved up to Level 4, and new, individual study tables have been bought for Level 2.

Level 2 group_learningcentre

We are confident that this new layout will provide students with a better quality study experience by providing clearer zoning throughout the library.

New furniture is due to be installed w/c 27th July, when there might be some restrictions to space in this area. We will update again as soon as we have more information.

If you have any comments you would like to make about this change to study space, or anything else about the library, please email us: