The Library building may be closed, but Library and Learning staff are still here! As we all adjust to a new way of working, it’s business as usual as we continue to support you in your studies from our own homes! Although our physical collections may be unavailable, did you know:
- Our online library is available 24/7, and includes hundreds of thousands of eBooks, Journals and Databases for you to use: just head to library.surrey.ac.uk. Don’t forget – your reading list is a good place to start! Any issues, for example if your first choice of resource is a book that you can’t get hold of, please get in touch: library-enquiries@surrey.ac.uk and we’ll point you in the right direction.
- We have also created a list of additional resources that publishers have temporarily made available to Surrey students in these challenging times, which won’t appear on SurreySearch. Browse the full list here.
- Need academic skills advice? Go to https://study.surrey.ac.uk/study-support/academic-skills-and-development. Our fantastic Academic Skills and Maths and Statistics teams offer 30 minute 1-2-1 appointments via Zoom, and have also created a wealth of resources (including videos and tutorials) that you can access online.
For those of you who have books out on loan, please don’t worry. Keep hold of all your books for now, as all items will automatically renew and nothing will be requested during this time. If you have any concerns, or you’re a final year/exchange student who is leaving the University this year, please just get in touch and we’ll advise on the best thing to do.
Lastly, the following page has lots of useful information in response to the Covid-19 outbreak: https://library.surrey.ac.uk/covid-19-library-updates and we would recommend you follow this, and @surreylib on social media for the latest Library news and information. Don’t forget to join in the conversation by tagging us #surreylib and #SurreyatHome, and stay connected during this difficult time.