Hi guys!
This post marks the end of my time as your virtual student curator! I’ve had such a fun and educating time leading this month’s project and, just like me, I hope you’ve also learnt something along the way too. 🙂
For myself personally, I’ve learnt just how fundamental it is to make sure people of all abilities feel heard and are represented- not just in the conversations we hold but also in the books we read. By talking more about the fact there are people of various abilities out there and that they do make up a significant proportion of our society, it can help take away from the stigma that comes along with ‘sensitive’ topics like these.
Finally, I just wanted to make a final post highlighting various support resources available that are centred around the topic of disability, should you yourself ever need to access them either for personal matters or in the interest of a disabled individual in your circle.
SCOPE – Practical information and emotional support for disabled people. https://www.scope.org.uk/ Contact: helpline@scope.org.uk or 0808 800 3333
INDEPENDENT LIVING – Information, help and support to assist with independent living: https://www.independentliving.co.uk/
DISABILITY TALK FOR STUDENTS – Helpline offering support specifically for disabled students. Contact: students@disabilityrightsuk.org or 0330 995 0414
LEONARD CHESHIRE – Supporting disabled people to live, learn and work as independently as they possibly can: www.leonardcheshire.org
DISABILITY TALK – Website for disabled people offering help, guidance & advice: www.disabilitytalk.co.uk
SHAW TRUST – Employment charity providing support for people with disabilities: www.shaw-trust.org.uk. Contact: 0300 30 33 11
THE OUTSIDERS TRUST – Helpline open to queries around the disability and sexuality kind. Contact: 07872 681 982 or sexdis@outsiders.org.uk
DIAL UK – Disability information and advice line: https://www.dialuk.info/
Additionally, here is a web page providing information for support on specific physical health conditions, each with their own unique helplines/websites: https://www.moodcafe.co.uk/national-helplines/physical-health-conditions.aspx
~ Sairah.