University of Surrey Learning Centre building seen from outside the Lecture Theatre
Library opening and service hours
The Library is open 24/7 and Library staff are available at the Library and Learning Hive from 8am – 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Pop-Up Revision and Exam Zone
Drop by Level 1 of the Library for top tips on healthy study, planning your revision and exam techniques.
Nightline ‘Wall of Happiness’

USSU Nightline mascots in the Library foyer
Come and add your happy thoughts to the wall – sticky notes and pens provided. Just inside the Library gates on Level 1.
Exam snacks
Looking for a little energy boost? Look out for snacks which will be popping-up on the table next to the Revision and Exam Zone during the exam period.
Academic Skills and Development and Maths and Stats Advice
Regular events
Drop-ins are held in the Library, Level 1, Learning and Development Zone, as follows:
Meet a Learning Development Librarian or Adviser
Monday and Wednesday, 12 – 13.30pm
Drop-ins will start again on Wednesday 03 January 2024. Click here to access the details about the AS&D drop-in service.
Meet a Maths and Statistics Adviser, Level 1, Maths and Statistics Hub
Monday, 11am – 1pm, and Wednesday, 3pm – 5pm.
Drop-ins will start again on Wednesday 03 January 2024. Click here to access the details about the MASA drop-in service.
Research Data Management Drop-in
Tuesdays 8 am – 1:30 pm, Research Data Management Drop-in Session, for researchers, just inside the Library gates on Level 1. Book a 1:1 session https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TestAugust2023@surrey.ac.uk/bookings/ to discuss managing your Research Data or writing Data Management Plans; adding datasets to our Surrey Open Research Repository and more.
Individual and Silent Study Areas
During the exam period there may be students taking exams in our Silent or Individual Study areas. Please be considerate when using these spaces. Should you need to revise together or speak to another student for more than a brief conversation, please use the Group Study areas on Level 1 and Level 4. Thank you for your co-operation.

Three students studying together with books and a laptop
Cold Weather
Don’t forget that we have blankets for you to borrow if you are feeling chilly. Please return these to the baskets provided when you have finished using them. If you are feeling the cold please speak to Library staff as we may be able to direct you to a warmer study spot.
IT Services
The Helpdesk in the Library will be staffed 1 – 4.30pm w/c 8 January.
Please see the IT Pages on MySurrey https://it.surrey.ac.uk/ for help or phone 01483 689898 outside these times.
Essential Maintenance – Learning Centre Toilets
Please be aware that further work will be carried out on Wednesday this week. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please speak to Library staff who can direct you to alternative toilets.
#SurreyLib #UniOfSurrey #SurreyUni