Colourism: Beauty in every colour
Hello. My name is Catherine Chibuzo Anyanwu, and I am an MSc Digital Marketing and Channel Management student. I am the virtual Student Curator for this month’s theme: Colourism; being dark skinned and African is something I learnt to appreciate and embrace with great pride as it is makes me unique, gives me a distinct identity.
I am, a pioneering young black woman whose melanin rich skin has a loving relationship with the sun. Growing up in Nigeria I was constantly teased and sometimes looked down on because of the colour of my skin and at some point, I considered skin bleaching, thinking it will make me feel more accepted and beautiful. But my mother looked at me one day and told me in Yoruba (Western Nigerian language): ‘Do you know how beautiful you are? Many would kill to be just like you and if I were you I wouldn’t change a thing!’ I looked at her and thought she’s just being a typical overly caring mum. Nevertheless, her words kept on ringing in my ears.
Along the way I am becoming more self-aware, learning to appreciate myself and the people around me. This theme is important to me because I want young girls and boys out there to love themselves more, what makes each and every one of us unique makes us exceptionally beautiful, see the beauty in being you!
The selection of books and journals I have chosen for my reading list plays an integral role in portraying colourism, the struggles and some of the health risks associated with skin bleaching which is increasingly becoming norm in Asian and black communities today. Additionally, this selection brings more awareness to colourism, and will enlighten students on issues in the African and Asian communities, as well as the health risks associated with skin bleaching.
For my theme I wanted to bring attention to the lesser known topic, colourism in the Asian and African community. Get inspired by renowned black poets and authors over many generations.
According to Maya Angelou one of the world’s most celebrated human rights activist, author and poet, ‘You may not control all the events that has happened to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them’.