Library Temporary Short Term Floor Closures – Friday 10th May

From 08:00 this Friday 10th May there will short periods where some parts of the library and learning centre will be unavailable, while we carry out a pest control dog exercise.

We have sought to make this exercise as least disruptive as possible and will only be making each floor unavailable for an hour at a time. During these times, please find another floor in the Library that is appropriate to your study style. Library staff will be able to help direct you.

The timetable of temporary closures is as follows:

Level One (1stFloor) 07:15 to 09:15

Level Two (2ndFloor) 08:15 to 10:15

Level Four (4thFloor) 09:15 to 11:15

Level Three (3rdFloor) 10:15 to 12:15