Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

JSTOR access off-campus

The temporary interruption to JSTOR access for off-campus users has now been fixed. Please use the link to JSTOR on the Library Databases page to gain access: We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Athens has now been switched off

The Athens login route has now been switched off. You should now be using the Institutional Login option to access E-Resources. For more information visit the Library website: or contact or your Academic Liaison Librarian

Access to JSTOR off-campus

There is currently an issue with logging into JSTOR off campus. We are currently investigating this. In the meantime, please use this workaround to get into JSTOR off campus:  Use our Secure Web Access from Anywhere service: Log in with your University login and password From the list of links that appears, select ejournals […]

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