Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Digimap Carto Issues

If you have experienced problems using Digimap Carto, please refer to the message below from Digimap Support: Following recent changes to popular web browsers and updates to Java installations some users have experienced difficulties using Carto. We understand that there have also been some instances of problems with Carto working on the latest 64-bit versions […]

Library Tip Of The Day: Summon Search Engine

Research has never been easier! Summon can search across the University’s electronic and print collections using one Google-style search box. This means you can search directly at article level to find resources relevant to your research. Try it for yourself by going to Or follow the link from the library homepage.

Library Tip Of The Day: New Reading Lists System

Library and Learning Support Services has invested in a state-of-the-art Reading List system. Relevant Reading list information (where supplied by the lecturer) will automatically be displayed at the bottom of the individual module on SurreyLearn. Clicking on a book title will take you to the book’s record on the Library Catalogue so that you can […]

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