Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Summon not working with EBSCO databases

There is a temporary problem with the Summon search engine not finding articles in EBSCO databases, including Business Source Complete,  PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKs and the Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection. If you experience any issues linking to articles in these databases via Summon, please search for the journal via ejournals@surrey: We apologise for any inconvenience […]


  A warm welcome from Library & Learning Support Services to new students just arriving, and welcome back to returning students. Please see our website, Facebook page and Twitter feed to keep up to date with our resources and services.  

New Learning Centre building now open

The new Learning Centre building is now open, transforming the Library facilities available for independent study on campus.   300 more study spaces 180 extra PCs silent or quiet and group work areas  New large & small group study rooms Improved self service New support hub  Staff and students are welcome to visit, work or […]

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