Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Database and e-journal changes

Nexis Nexis is a new database which contains the searchable full text of over 2,000 newspapers, magazines and sources of business news, including the Financial Times and all of the main UK national and regional newspapers. Infotrac Custom Newspapers Access to this database will cease on August 31st 2010 (please use Nexis instead). Other changes […]

Website and Online Library improvements

Over the course of summer vacation 2010, we are improving the way that you can find information through the Library’s web pages and electronic resources. From September 2010, you will be able to access: Library & Learning Support Services Website: a new design A new look, a new structure, and improved access to the information […]

Brief suspension of Renewals service

1st August: Brief suspension of Renewals service IMPORTANT NOTICE: Telephone renewals and renewals via the library catalogue will not be available from about 4.00pm on this Sunday, 1st August, due to work to upgrade the catalogue. We hope to restore the service by 8.30am Monday, 2nd August. We are sorry for any inconvenience this might […]

Database & E-journals Changes

On the 1st August the following changes will take place: Wiley Interscience e-journals will transfer to a new platform, Wiley Online. IBSS will move from EBSCOhost to the CSA Illumina platform. RILM will move from Ovid SP to the CSA Illumina platform. Athens logins will remain active – however, any saved searches will be lost.

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