Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Raise your grades! Learn to use Library resources to the full in our drop-in workshops

Academic Liaison Librarians will be on hand to help you make the most of our huge range of resources, during regular drop-in sessions at Wednesday lunchtimes. As well as being able to ask a Librarian about finding printed resources for your subject, you can get one-to-one help with using Internet resources such as e-journals, bibliographic […]

Borrowing facilities at other UK university libraries to be extended to Full-time Masters students

 From 1 July 2005 any FT postgraduate student on a taught Masters level course can apply under the UK Libraries Plus scheme to borrow books from up to 3 other university/college libraries in the UK, as part of a pilot project. Application forms can be downloaded from the UKLP website or may be obtained […]

LexisNexis Butterworths replaces Butterworths Law Databases

Database Changes over Summer: The new look Butterworths law databases (renamed LexisNexis Butterworths) are now available at: (Athens password required).The contents are: All England Law Reports 1936 onwards CaseSearch Acts of Parliament Halsburys Laws of England Halsburys Statutes Halsburys Is it Force? Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law If you wish to access […]

IBSS database changes interface & web address

Database Changes over Summer: IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences) has recently moved from the BIDS interface to the Ovid Silverplatter interface at The BIDS version will be turned off in the next few months. The Silverplatter interface offers several advantages, including the facility to cross-search several other databases within the social sciences […]

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