Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

LinkSource – Find Full-Text Fast

The University Library has recently subscribed to LinkSource, an OpenURL Link Resolver. This service helps to link from references within a bibliographic database (such as Web of Knowledge) directly to the full text of journal articles available online. The service is still under development, but it is intended to improve the efficiency and speed of […]

Library Opening Hours Increase

In response to an earlier survey on Opening Hours, the Library has been able to increase the number of hours it opens by 24 hours per week. Evening hours from 22.00 until 01.30 during the week will be unserviced. For full opening times in and out of semester, beginning on 1st November, please see Opening […]

New Reading List Catalogue

Save valuable time by checking the Reading List Catalogue before leaving home! Over the last two years, the University Library has been adding module reading lists to our new Reading List Catalogue. There are direct links between this and the Library Catalogue, so you can quickly and easily link directly from a book or journal […]

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