Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Welcome to SPLASH!

What does it stand for, you ask? SPLASH stands for Student Personal Learning and Study Hub and can be found on Level 3 of the Library via the main stairs from Level 1. SPLASH is a space that promotes and supports independent learning and has several resources for students to use, including white boards, flip […]

Summer stock moves – GSA materials

To make it easier for students to find the Library’s play sets, Libretti  and Libretti sets, they’ve been integrated alongside the main stock this summer (instead of being in two different locations). You’ll still find them on Level 2 of the Library – if you need any help please speak to a member of staff.

Accessing your NEW Library account

Your library account can be accessed via our homepage, by clicking on the blue ‘Library account’ button. Gone are the days of using a PIN number – instead, we have made things easier for you so that all you need now is your IT username and password to access your Library account. Here, you will be able to keep track of […]

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