Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

How to request a Library item that’s out on loan using SurreySearch

The way you request a library item that is out on loan has changed a little with the launch of SurreySearch. All outstanding requests have been cancelled from our old system, so if you have books or items that you still need please request them again through SurreySearch: Sign into SurreySearch using your IT username and password (top […]

SurreySearch is here!

The way you search for books and information will work differently following the launch of SurreySearch. You’ll access it in the usual way via the library website, with some fantastic improvements and new functionality: Always sign in straight away to SurreySearch to access a greatly increased range of resources Once signed in you’ll find you can seamlessly […]

Campus card – update

We are now able to produce campus cards. As we are updating our card printing facilities, if you are making a special trip to the Library for a replacement card please call 01483 693794 to ensure that we are able to produce your campus card.

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