Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Online Dissertations

In addition to the print dissertations that can be found up on Level 2 of the Library, many of our Masters dissertations can now also be viewed online: These “digital dissertations” have all achieved distinctions and can be used as good examples of how to structure your work. Don’t forget – dissertations are also searchable […]

Help for your subject

The Subjects area of our library website contains a useful guide for your subject. You can use these pages to find e-resources for your subject, useful websites, information about referencing, how to contact a librarian, and more! Have a look here:

DSA support

A message from Student Finance England: DSA support for continuing students will automatically be in place for next year. Please just remember to indicate on your main online student finance application that you want the support to continue. If you are receiving DSA only, or are a part-time or post-graduate student, please note that you will need […]

Library loans and fines update

Thanks to those who took time to answer a few questions some weeks ago about library loans and fines as part of our consultation on changes we would like to make. We will be putting these changes into place as soon as our new library system goes live in August. There’ll be more detail about exactly […]

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