Hi, my name is Premi and I am coming to an end of my placement year at Volkswagen Financial Services (VWFS). Working in both the Brand and Digital Marketing Teams, my roles and responsibilities involve market research, analysis, campaign management and managing and optimising website content and landing pages.
VWFS is an automotive finance company based in Milton Keynes. Founded in 1994 as the second-largest subsidiary, VWFS has been expanding its product range and extending the services offered, with an increasingly customer-focused brand and vision.
Psychology student choosing marketing?
As a Psychology student, I was initially doubtful when offered a Marketing role for my placement year, particularly due to my uncertainty about how Psychology can in any way be linked to Marketing at all. However, safe to say that accepting this placement offer is something I do not a regret at all!
Psychology and Marketing have more interrelated concepts than I had assumed. The fundamental understanding of behaviour, why customers make certain purchasing decisions, what motivates them and how they can be influenced are foundation teachings in Psychology that I embed into my marketing role.
Qualitative analysis, such as interviews and research reports from stakeholders, has been valuable for gaining deeper insights into consumer and retail attitudes and preferences.
Life on placement
Reaching towards the end of my placement year, I can confidently say that I have loved every minute of it! Every day has been unique compared to the weeks and months prior, and I have taken the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills through asking questions and seizing every chance available to me.
My role isn’t just sitting in front of a desk 24/7; rather I have had the chance to work with various stakeholders, agencies and teams. With a growing interest in Digital Marketing, I have stepped further into learning SEO, SQL and Web Development outside my placement hours.
Imposter syndrome was definitely my biggest fear when starting out in a corporate environment. The anxious feeling of wondering what to say or what to do was a constant thought. Although imposter syndrome can be daunting, I was extremely privileged to have the opportunity to present key reports and manage varied projects successfully.
Advice for Placement Students
- Ask Questions: No question is ever a silly question. Remember, you are here to gain opportunities and experiences!
- Engage: Make sure to make the most of your placement year, engage with your employers and have a genuine interest in your role.