Every year, in the month of October the UK celebrates Black History Month reflecting on the lived experiences of the black community. Launched in 1987, the event was initiated by Ghanaian born Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, a projects officer for Greater London Council. African American historian Carter G Woodson originated the idea of celebrating the achievements of black people, inspiring other countries outside of the USA to do the same.
Find out more about Black History Month
Inspirational black figures – TFL & the Black Cultural Archive have collaborated on a version of the Tube Map launching the first ever Black History Tube map, celebrating the rich and varied contribution Black people have made to London and the UK from Pre Tudor times to the present day
At the University of Surrey, we’ve tended to have student facing events but this year we are holding a panel event for staff and students to hear from black professionals on their career journeys. Tickets are free and there will be a recording available after the event for those who cannot attend. The Surrey Student Union have been holding a range of events for students, and staff are also welcome – follow the page to stay updated.
As we reach the halfway point of a month that starts conversations, highlights racial injustice against black people and celebrates joy & culture we wanted to share some resources to aid learning and increase awareness. The conversation does not stop on the 31st October – inclusion and equity matters:
Complete the Introduction to Race Equity Training (if you have not already done so)
Maybe I Don’t below here – David Harewood
The Good Ally: A Guided Anti-Racism Journey | Nova Reid
BAME and POC LGBTQ+ Communities | Stonewall
Watch – TRIPLE CRIPPLES | TEDxSussexUni – Empowerment as a Disabled, Black Woman – YouTube
Menopause whilst black https://www.instagram.com/menopausewhilstblack/?hl=en