University of Surrey is known for ensuring that the alumni can play an active part in the future of the university. As a result of this, there are multiple events dedicated to the alumni, and last month, I was able to attend one of these showcases, titled “back to the future” where alumni got together and attended activities that were created to bring them up to date on what the university has achieved in the past academic year as well as showcasing upcoming events by the university.
It was a bright and sunny day, and stalls were installed at the plaza of the AP building. There was live music by local artists as well as university students. My favourite showcase was a Delorean car modified to show the time machine used in the classic movie series “Back to the Future” for which the event was named after.

Many food options were available thorugh food trucks, as well as a bbq that was being prepared by current students. I ate a delicious falafel from the excellent Lord Falafel food truck. There was also a stall by SurreyMoves, which is an app that is a great way to earn points to spend on activities by completing physical challenges. I tried the bicycle blender by them which resulted in a delicious and healthy fruit smoothie.

The showcase also had lightning talks which were held in the seminar rooms at AP Building. Personal highlights from these were a talk by Professor Birgitta Gatersleben on “why and how does neing in nature benefit our mental health?” where she explained how living near green spaces can enhance our mental being, and a talk by my program leader, Dr. Kathy Pond on “ safe drinking water for rural communities in the UK and globally” where she explained the challenges of supplying clean water to small communities, and how we are tackling these challenges.

The showcase also includes demonstrations by current researchers which showcased new developments by the university such as in using bamboo for sustainable construction, use of audio-visual material for education and research, as well as a system which can automatically translate sign language.

Even as a student, the event was quite enjoyable and knowledgeable for me. I even managed to get a free University of Surrey totebag which I love using now. The event gave me hope that there will be events at the university which I can event in the future even after graduating next year!