Back to the States


I arrived back in Washington about three weeks ago now and it is just as I remembered 🙂 It has been great to see my friends again, some of which I haven’t been able to see in about a year now. The time does not really seem to make an impact on the state of the relationship which is really nice. We still joke and laugh like I saw them last week. It has been pointed out to me a bunch that I am starting to get an English accent. I am not as convinced, but nearly everyone I see points it out to me. I can not seem to escape the acknowledgement of my voice wherever I go now! 😉


Me back with friends on the lake. Mt. Rainier in the back.



It is pretty interesting to realize the different words that I use now that I have lived in England a year. I am much more able to see how the cultures different and what makes each country special. Similar to how when learning a new language, you end up learning loads about your own language. One instance of a theory that I have made is why America is perceived as this amazing country by the people inside and out of the country. My theory is that Americans attitude is so full of pride and spirit from the beginning of our lives that which is adopted and accepted by others as true. Even those who have never even stepped a foot in the country. Some of our pride starts from our deep love of sports at all levels and the commitment to spirit. We are taught to love the country and chant “USA USA USA” whenever something awesome happens. It is just very interesting to see how American perception reaches others across the world. Like I said this is just a theory, but the point of learning things about your own culture holds true. It is this kind of experience you are unable to get unless you travel and really like in the country not just stay at a resort in a country. Living abroad is an amazing and irreplaceable experience.


Fourth of July in Bellevue, WA



It has been pretty funny to see the reactions of people when I say I go to school in England. It is the same reaction of when I tell people or they realize I am from America (the voice gives it away). People recognize that it is a different atmosphere than going to school in America which allows you to live in an unfamiliar place. I have noticed that a lot of people this summer are either traveling around Europe or are thinking about doing study abroad programs. I am personally quite pleased because that means I get to visit them in those places and that they could come visit me way easier. If you are on the edge of coming abroad, I highly suggest doing it. It is much more difficult to have these worldly experiences later in life. It is so worth doing.


My last road trip to Oregon. Looking over the Steens Mountains



I am signing off now, I have my own European vacations to plan 🙂

Speak to you soon!
