Springtime in Surrey

Hi everyone!

Having lived in the UK for a little over two and a half years, I am gradually getting used to the four seasons. A common favourite of mine is Spring-because the flowers start to bloom, and it means that we are just that much closer to summer 😉

On Monday the 22nd of February, the government announced a four-step plan out of the current lockdown for England. The four-step plan explains how the restrictions will be lifted over time and in a way, really sets the mood for new beginnings, which is synonymous with this Spring season

In the spirit of new beginnings, the Code First Girls (CFG) team launched the free, part-time, remote coding course for students who identify as a woman or non-binary at the University of Surrey this term! A great opportunity especially for those who want to gain invaluable tech skills and build their CV! I decided to make an application because, why not, we are living in a quickly evolving world where tech skills are becoming vital for those wanting to set a solid foundation for their careers in whatever field. The program promises to teach the fundamentals of back-end programming through hands-on problem-solving and using the Python programming language. At the end of the course, we should be able to code and deploy our very own projects! I am very excited for this opportunity and inspired by the efforts of the university and CFG to empower students who identify as women or non-binary at the University of Surrey as well as boost our employability altogether!

On a fun note, I thought I’d share some of the pictures of Spring at the county of Surrey:

Hoping and praying that everyone remains safe during this time.

That’s all for now folks,

