Live on Campus or at Home? Decisions, decisions… Part 1

I know that this topic can be a bit of a struggle for some, and for other’s it’s easy and sometimes, unfortunately, there are some people who don’t get a choice in the matter. However, for those with a choice, I’ve called in a favour with a few friends to get their views on why they prefer staying on campus or at home. There’s a lot to discuss, so I’m going to write this in a couple of parts. So, here we go!

Why live on campus?

  • It teaches a lot of responsibility in the simple things. Things such as cooking, cleaning, doing your own laundry, shopping for your meals and budgeting. Things that will prepare you for independent living.
  • It won’t take you that long to get to lectures. You don’t have to wake up at 6 am, worry about catching the train or driving in peak hour traffic, it’s all within your reach. Who doesn’t love a decent lie-in on a Wednesday morning?
  • You’re able to easily make friends outside your course. You don’t get to pick your flat mates, so this is a great way of opening up your friends circle without even trying. Having flat mates also helps to develop your people skills as you might have a difficult flat mate who never cleans up after themselves and you have to deal with the situation.
  • Living on campus also makes it easier to get more involved with societies, sports clubs and events because everything is just around the corner. Buses are available to get to the sports park for that quick gym session or sports meeting, and the night life is easier to get involved in as you don’t have the worries of getting home too late.
  • Not only is the library available to you 24/7, but there are also desks in all the flat rooms giving you a quiet designated space to work and concentrate, if you find working at home in a busy environment too difficult.
  • You are able to go home in between lectures. Sometimes one might need a a short cat nap in between the long lectures on a busy day, or to make a quick sandwich. It’s convenient for the busy student.

Living on campus has its many perks, but we’re not done yet! I’ll see you here same time next week for Part 2 – Living at Home!