Sustainability Showcase with First Year Students

Students on the first year module Economics, Business and Sustainability took over the Business Insights Lab on 12 and  13 December to host the first Sustainability Showcase Poster Exhibition. Groups were asked to answer why sustainability is important in the business environment, how businesses operate sustainably, who benefits and what are the benefits of operating sustainably?

Each group chose a case to apply their knowledge to an organisation, an industry sector or even a country!


Is the pursuit of a ‘100% sustainable’ food producer an achievable goal?


The Body Shop


Toxic Throwaway Fashion

Students were graded on their work by a team of markers looking for evidence of the groups’ comprehension of the topic of sustainable business, evidence of relevant breadth and depth of research into topic, the critical analysis of the case chosen and the creativity, layout, appearance and quality of the poster and group working ability.

Initial feedback from the students is positive as an innovative and creative method of assessment and a good way to make friends in the first semester.

We hope you managed to stop by to see the good works of our new undergraduate cohort!

Find out more about Surrey Business School programmes and research within Sustainability.