Newsletter Nov & Dec 2020

Hello CME members,

Autumn/ Winter has arrived at SBS and we would like to share with you our latest news:

  • CME & MOBTS official partners
  • Dr Katarzyna Zdunczyk joins CME
  • ADD strengthens its national impact – WonkHE opinion piece
  • PGCert Management Education applications rising
  • More research in Hybrid Education

CME & MOBTS official partners

Following the successful MoU sign off, we are now looking forwards to collaborating. We are particularly delighted to welcome co-management educators from the US to our PGCert in Management Education in the future.

Dr Katarzyna Zdunczyk

Katarzyna has joined SBS a number of years ago and focuses primarily on internatinoalisation in SBS. We invited her to join CME as we believe that she can greatly contribute to our Centre and team. We warmly welcome her! Please click below to read more about her background and great contributions to SBS so far.

ADD strengthens its national impact – WonkHE opinion piece

Active Digital Design (ADD) has been perceived positively by students, which is very welcome and has given us confidence to continue our research in this area. We received lovely emails and social media posts from students which we happily retweeted and shared. However, Anna and Christine have also shared their approach and opinion about hybrid education via a WonkHE opinion piece. This is a great national online platform giving voice to academics in HE. Click here to read the article

PGCert Management Education – applications rising

We are really pleased to report that this years’ applications are on the rise. We will welcome our fourth cohort in January and we will introduce our students then. However we can say already that this will be a diverse and vibrant cohort with a great mix of students from different countries, backgrounds and experiences. We very much look forwards to January 2021. Applications are still open until the end of November.

More research in hybrid education and ADD

In our quest of understanding the impact of hybrid education better, we are pleased to say that Dr Will Lanham-New (CME) will explore in collaboration with Nutritional Sciences the levels of student interaction with the hybrid model in the context of rituals.

Dr Andrew Hill, Department of Business Transformation, SBS and lecturer in Business Analytics is also looking at the impact of hybrid education and will work with Christine and Anna to explore the workflow and navigational engagement of students in SurreyLearn. We will share more insights in the coming months.