当坐落于美丽的英格兰南部的吉尔福德小镇樱花盛开时,一年一度的萨里大学春季毕业典礼就将如约进行。特别的是,萨里大学的毕业典礼是在吉尔福德大教堂举办,这座有着数百年历史的古老建筑,见证了一届又一届萨里学子离开美丽的Stag Hill主校区,带着关于萨里的美好回忆和感受,满怀着对未来的憧憬与希望,从吉尔福德走向世界各地。


毕业典礼当天,当笔者来到AP Piazza时,广场上已经挤满了洋溢着幸福的人群。无论是校园的每一个角落,还是每一个人的脸上,都洋溢着庆祝的氛围。家长和亲友们从四面八方赶来,只为见证这一刻的辉煌。毕业生们穿着整齐的学士服,戴着象征智慧的方帽,胸前挂着荣誉的勋章,走在通往颁奖台的红毯上,每一步都显得庄严而自豪。


When the cherry blossoms bloom in the beautiful town of Guildford in southern England, the annual spring graduation ceremony takes place as scheduled. Particularly special, the University of Surrey’s graduation ceremonies are held at Guildford Cathedral, a historic building hundreds of years old, witnessing successive generations of Surrey students leave the beautiful Stag Hill main campus. Carrying fond memories of Surrey and filled with aspirations and hopes for the future, they step out into the world from Guildford.
Last week, the recent University of Surrey spring graduation ceremony was duly held at Guildford Cathedral, and I was fortunate to experience the complex atmosphere of happiness, joy, anticipation, hope, and a touch of sadness interwoven into the event. After the tassel turning and the conferral ceremonies, another cohort of Surrey students dispersed in various directions, adding new chapters to their lives.
Graduation season always carries a unique set of emotions—with both the sorrow of parting and the anticipation of future prospects. For us, about to step out of the university, the graduation ceremony is not just a mere formality but a significant milestone in our journey of growth, a tender summary of our youthful years.
Preparations for the ceremony usually begin months in advance. Students must confirm their eligibility to graduate, apply for their diploma, and also prepare their academic dress and mortarboards. Despite the busy and intricate details, every step is exceptionally precious as it marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new life. The University of Surrey provides detailed-oriented support in advance for the graduates, including arrangements for transport, accommodation bookings, and gown reservations, ensuring every graduate returning to the campus for the ceremony enjoys a welcoming atmosphere and a seamless experience.
On the day of the ceremony, as I arrived at AP Piazza, the square was already filled with a happy crowd. Everywhere on campus, as well as on every face, there was an atmosphere of celebration. Parents and friends travelled from all around just to witness this splendid moment. Graduates, dressed in their regalia and wearing their mortarboards—symbols of wisdom—with medals of honour on their chests, walked down the red carpet towards the podium with solemn pride.
During the ceremony, speeches by the chancellor and guest speakers often inspire each graduate. They not only reflect on the past but also look forward to the future, reminding us of the challenges and opportunities we are about to face. When a student representative takes the stage, their reflections on university life and aspirations for the future often deeply move everyone present.
The climax of the graduation ceremony is the diploma presentation and the tossing of the mortarboards. This moment signifies a farewell to youth and a pledge for the future. As the mortarboards fly into the air, it symbolizes the completion of our past years of learning, and the road ahead, which we will explore and forge ourselves.
The university graduation ceremony is an unforgettable moment in life, marking not only the completion of academic pursuits but also symbolizing growth. We conclude one phase of learning here, but this does not mean the end of learning. Life itself is a larger school, waiting for us to face a broader world with the knowledge and skills we have acquired.
The University of Surrey is renowned across the UK for its employment support services and student employability, consistently ranking highly in various league tables, and has once led the UK in overall employment rates. We believe that graduation is not the end but the beginning of a story with Surrey and the start of a new chapter in our lives. Farewell, Surrey, hello to the future!
For more information about University of Surrey graduation ceremonies, please visit: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/graduation