有趣事实: 法纳姆拥有英国最古老的马场之一,每年这里都会举行传统的马市,吸引来自各地的爱马人士。

有趣事实: 朴茨茅斯是查尔斯·狄更斯的出生地,这位伟大的作家在这里的一个小屋中出生,现在这个地方已转变为狄更斯出生地博物馆。

有趣事实: 南安普顿的城墙是英国保存最完好的中世纪城墙之一,游客可以沿着这些古老的城墙步行,体验历史的厚重感。

萨里山(Surrey Hills)
萨里山是一个被指定为特别美丽的乡村地区,拥有广阔的自然景观和丰富的生物多样性。这里是徒步旅行者和自然爱好者的天堂,有许多标志性的徒步路线,如北唐斯道(North Downs Way)。萨里山的地势起伏,提供了许多理想的观景点,其中新兰兹角(Newlands Corner)和博克斯山(Box Hill)是最受欢迎的观景台。
有趣事实: 博克斯山是英国文学中的一个著名场景,简·奥斯汀的《爱玛》中就有提到这个地点。

怀特岛(Isle of Wight)
怀特岛是英国南部的一个风景如画的岛屿,以其美丽的海滩、古老的城堡和生态多样性而著名。我们可以参观奥斯本府(Osborne House),这是维多利亚女王的夏季度假地,府内的装饰和家具保留了19世纪的风格。岛上的自然保护区是观察野生动物和植物的绝佳地点,特别是红松鼠,这在英格兰其他地区已变得罕见。
有趣事实: 怀特岛每年都会举行著名的怀特岛音乐节,这是欧洲最大的音乐和艺术节之一,吸引了来自世界各地的艺术家和音乐爱好者。

Guildford is situated in the beautiful county of Surrey, one of the most affluent regions in England and home to some of the country’s most picturesque natural landscapes. The beautiful spring and summer scenery of Southeast England has earned it the nickname “the Garden of England.” Guildford boasts a wealth of beautiful and rich tourist resources, and there are many destinations in the surrounding area that are perfect for weekend trips. I often find myself hopping on a train or bus to these locales for a day or two of relaxation away from the pressures of study—it’s most refreshing!
Farnham is a town with a long history, tracing its roots back to Roman times. The Farnham Castle in the town centre is a landmark of the area. Initially built in the 12th century, it later became the residence of British bishops. Visiting the castle, one not only experiences the medieval ambience but can also stroll through its stunning gardens, which are planted with a variety of flowers and plants, offering different scenic views each season. Moreover, Farnham’s market is well-known, hosting a large farmers’ market monthly where you can purchase fresh local produce and handmade crafts.
Interesting fact: Farnham houses one of the oldest horse markets in the UK, drawing equestrian enthusiasts from across the country annually for traditional horse fairs.
Portsmouth is a vital seaport city in the south of England, renowned for its rich naval history. Here, you can explore world-class historical docks such as the famed HMS Victory and the Royal Naval Museum. HMS Victory served as Admiral Nelson’s flagship and played a decisive role in the Battle of Trafalgar. Portsmouth is also noted for its modern architecture, with the Spinnaker Tower being not only the tallest viewing tower in the UK but also a significant landmark of the city.
Interesting fact: Portsmouth is the birthplace of Charles Dickens, the great novelist who was born in a small house here, now transformed into the Charles Dickens Birthplace Museum.
Southampton is a modern city and a significant port in the UK, famous for its rich maritime history, particularly as the departure point for the Titanic. In Southampton, we can visit the Maritime Museum to learn about the city’s connection with the Titanic. Additionally, the cultural atmosphere in Southampton’s art galleries and theatres, especially the City Art Gallery, which houses many modern and contemporary art pieces, is vibrant.
Interesting fact: Southampton boasts some of the best-preserved medieval walls in Britain, offering visitors a chance to walk along these ancient fortifications and experience the depth of history.
Surrey Hills
The Surrey Hills are designated an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, featuring expansive natural landscapes and a rich biodiversity. This area is a haven for hikers and nature lovers, with numerous iconic walking trails such as the North Downs Way. The terrain in Surrey Hills is varied, offering many ideal vantage points, with Newlands Corner and Box Hill being among the most popular.
Interesting fact: Box Hill is a famous location in British literature, mentioned in Jane Austen’s “Emma.”
Isle of Wight
The Isle of Wight is a picturesque island off the southern coast of England, known for its beautiful beaches, ancient castles, and ecological diversity. Visitors can tour Osborne House, Queen Victoria’s summer retreat, where the decor and furniture retain their 19th-century style. The island’s nature reserves are excellent for observing wildlife and plants, especially the red squirrels, which have become rare in other parts of England.
Interesting fact: The Isle of Wight hosts the famous Isle of Wight Festival annually, one of the largest music and arts festivals in Europe, attracting artists and music lovers from around the globe.