乘着火车探索英国,从吉尔福德出发的实用指南 | Exploring the UK by Train, Practical Guide from Guildford

英国不仅提供优质的高等教育资源,而且拥有发达的铁路网络,便于你探索这个国家的各个角落。虽然饱受周期性的罢工和维修工作导致的延误和列车取消问题困扰,从吉尔福德出发,我们仍然可以通过South Western Railway(SWR)和Great Western Railway(GWR)方便地到达许多令人兴奋的目的地。这篇博客将详细介绍英国的铁路系统、Railcard的使用方法以及从吉尔福德出发的主要铁路线路。


英国的铁路系统由多个铁路公司运营,覆盖了全国的大部分地区。主要的铁路公司包括国家铁路(National Rail)及其下属的多个区域铁路公司。火车是探索英国的理想方式,从繁忙的伦敦到风景如画的苏格兰高地,铁路网络为你提供了丰富的旅行选择。



  1. 16-24 Railcard:专为16至24岁的年轻人设计,持卡人可以享受1/3的火车票折扣。
  2. 25-30 Railcard:适用于30周岁以下的人士,区别在于这种Railcard只能够逐年购买,而不能如16-25 Railcard一样,最多一次购买三年。
  3. Family & Friends Railcard:适用于家庭出行,持卡人可以为最多4名儿童和1名成人获得1/3的票价折扣。
  4. Senior Railcard:适用于60岁及以上的老年人,享受1/3的折扣。

购买Railcard可以在线、在火车站或者通过邮寄方式完成,通常需要提供身份证明和照片。作为萨里大学的全日制学生,无论年龄是否符合要求,都可以购买16-24 Railcard。



  • SWR线路
    • 吉尔福德到伦敦滑铁卢(Waterloo):SWR提供从吉尔福德到伦敦滑铁卢站的直达服务,车程大约为35-40分钟。这条线路是通勤和旅游的热门选择,可以轻松抵达伦敦市中心,探索大英博物馆、国家美术馆、泰特现代美术馆等标志性景点。
    • 吉尔福德到法纳姆(Farnham):连接吉尔福德和费尔法克斯的线路,车程大约为10-15分钟。法纳姆以其迷人的乡村景色和历史悠久的古建筑而闻名,是一个放松和休闲的好去处。
    • 吉尔福德到温莎(Windsor):虽然需要换乘,但SWR提供的线路可以带你到温莎,游览温莎城堡,体验这座历史悠久的皇室居所的魅力。
    • 吉尔福德到纽波特(Newport):作为威尔士的门户,也是SWR所运营的主要线路的西部终点,港口城市纽波特不仅能让我们换成威尔士铁路进一步探索威尔士,而且自身也是非常优美的旅行目的地。
  • GWR线路
    • 吉尔福德到牛津(Oxford):通过伦敦转乘GWR线路,你可以前往牛津。这座历史悠久的大学城以其古老的学府和美丽的建筑而闻名,是一个值得一游的文化名城。
    • 吉尔福德到布里斯托尔(Bristol):通过伦敦换乘,你可以使用GWR前往布里斯托尔。这座城市以其充满活力的艺术场景和迷人的港口而著称,是探索西英格兰的一个好选择。
    • 吉尔福德到巴斯(Bath):巴斯以其古罗马浴池和乔治亚风格的建筑闻名。你可以从吉尔福德出发,经由伦敦转乘GWR线路到达这里,体验这座历史悠久的城市。
    • 吉尔福德到盖特维克(Gatwick):和希思罗机场相比,盖特维克机场对于萨里大学学生来说最独特的优势,可能就是有火车从吉尔福德直达机场。虽然不是著名旅游景点,但是从盖特维克机场,我们可以解锁爱尔兰、苏格兰甚至整个欧洲的主要目的地。


  1. 提前购票:为了确保能获得最优惠的票价,建议提前购买火车票。你可以通过铁路公司的官方网站、移动应用或车站的售票机进行购买。
  2. 核对时刻表:在出发前检查最新的时刻表,以确保了解列车的发车时间和任何可能的延误。
  3. 携带有效证件:如果你持有Railcard,请确保在乘车时随身携带,以便在检查时出示。
  4. 了解换乘信息:对于需要换乘的线路,提前了解换乘站点和流程,以确保顺利转车。
  5. 注意安全和规章:在火车上,请遵守相关安全规定,如保持安静、不在禁烟区吸烟等。
  6. 了解车厢:火车通常分为不同的车厢,如一等车厢和二等车厢。根据你购买的票种,找到正确的车厢。
  7. 使用交通卡:有些车站和火车允许使用交通卡(如Oyster卡),但这主要适用于伦敦地区。大部分其他地区仍需使用纸质车票。

The UK not only offers top-notch higher education resources but also boasts an extensive railway network, making it easy to explore every corner of the country. From Guildford, you can conveniently reach many exciting destinations via South Western Railway (SWR) and Great Western Railway (GWR). In this blog, I’ll provide a detailed overview of the UK railway system, how to use Railcards, and the main rail routes from Guildford.

Overview of the UK Railway System

The UK railway system is operated by multiple train companies, covering most of the country. Key players include National Rail and its various regional train operators. Trains are an ideal way to explore the UK, offering a range of travel options from the bustling city of London to the picturesque Scottish Highlands.

Railcard – Your Money-Saving Companion

A Railcard is a discount card designed for specific groups of people, ideal for those who plan to travel frequently by train. Here are a few common types of Railcards:

  • 16-25 Railcard: Designed for those aged 16 to 25, offering a one-third discount on train tickets.
  • Student Railcard: Available for full-time students, providing a one-third discount and additional benefits.
  • Family & Friends Railcard: Perfect for family travel, offering a one-third discount for up to four children and one adult.
  • Senior Railcard: For those aged 60 and over, providing a one-third discount.

You can purchase Railcards online, at train stations, or by mail, usually requiring proof of identity and a photo.

Main Rail Routes from Guildford

Guildford, a key city in Surrey, is well-connected through the SWR and GWR networks, linking to numerous important destinations. Here are some main rail routes from Guildford:

  • SWR Routes
    • Guildford to London Waterloo: SWR provides direct services from Guildford to London Waterloo, with a journey time of approximately 35-40 minutes. This route is popular for both commuting and tourism, giving you easy access to central London and landmarks such as the British Museum, the National Gallery, and Tate Modern.
    • Guildford to Farnham: The line connecting Guildford and Farnham takes about 10-15 minutes. Farnham is known for its charming countryside and historic buildings, making it a great place for relaxation and leisure.
    • Guildford to Windsor: Although a change of trains is required, SWR services can take you to Windsor, where you can visit Windsor Castle and experience the charm of this historic royal residence.
  • GWR Routes
    • Guildford to Oxford: You can travel to Oxford by changing trains in London and then using GWR services. This historic university city is renowned for its ancient colleges and beautiful architecture, making it a must-visit cultural destination.
    • Guildford to Bristol: By changing trains in London, you can use GWR to reach Bristol. Known for its vibrant arts scene and picturesque harbour, Bristol is an excellent choice for exploring South West England.
    • Guildford to Bath: Bath is famous for its Roman baths and Georgian architecture. From Guildford, you can travel via London and then transfer to a GWR service to explore this historic city.

Tips for Train Travel

  1. Book Tickets in Advance: To secure the best fares, it’s advisable to book your train tickets in advance. You can do this through the railway company’s website, mobile apps, or ticket machines at stations.
  2. Check Timetables: Before you travel, check the latest timetables to ensure you are aware of departure times and any potential delays.
  3. Carry Valid Identification: If you have a Railcard, make sure to carry it with you when travelling, as you may need to present it during ticket inspections.
  4. Understand Transfer Information: For routes requiring a change of trains, familiarise yourself with the transfer stations and procedures to ensure a smooth connection.
  5. Follow Safety and Rules: Adhere to safety regulations on trains, such as keeping noise levels down and refraining from smoking in non-smoking areas.
  6. Know Your Carriage: Trains typically have different carriages, such as first class and standard class. Make sure you board the correct carriage based on your ticket.
  7. Use Travel Cards: Some stations and trains accept travel cards (e.g., Oyster cards), but this mainly applies to London. Most other areas still require paper tickets.


Understanding the UK railway system, making use of Railcards, and knowing the main rail routes from Guildford will help make your travels around the UK smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re heading to the bustling heart of London or exploring the charm of Western cities, the railway system provides convenient connections. I hope this information proves useful and enhances your travel experience in the UK!