萨里大学的悠久历史与科研传统 | The History and Academic Achievements of Surrey




Image: London Photograph Archive



萨里大学的Surrey Space Centre是世界上最具影响力的航天研究机构之一,尤其是在小卫星技术方面处于世界领先地位。该中心主导了多个国际卫星项目,推动了航天器的设计、发射和运作。这些研究不仅为全球航天事业做出了重大贡献,也为学生提供了独特的科研和实习机会,能够亲身参与到航天探索的最前沿。

萨里大学的可持续发展研究所(Centre for Environment and Sustainability)在全球范围内推动绿色科技与可持续发展研究。我们通过跨学科合作,研究如何有效利用资源,减缓气候变化的影响。与此同时,学校的全球卫生研究所(Institute for Global Health)在公共健康领域也做出了显著贡献,尤其是在传染病预防和健康政策制定方面。


萨里大学为学生提供了一流的科研设施和教学资源。例如,学校的先进技术研究设施(Advanced Technology Institute, ATI)为学生提供了最前沿的实验条件,涵盖纳米技术、光子学等领域的研究。通过与全球顶尖企业的合作,萨里大学不仅为学生提供了广阔的学习平台,还确保科研成果能够快速转化为实际应用。









As a Surrey University student ambassador, I’m excited to share the remarkable legacy and research breakthroughs of our institution. Founded in 1891 as Battersea Polytechnic Institute and officially becoming Surrey University in 1966, the university has established itself as a hub for global innovation and academic excellence.

A Rich History of Innovation

Surrey University’s origins in applied sciences and engineering laid a strong foundation for its future as a pioneering research institution. Its development from a polytechnic institute to a university with global recognition reflects its commitment to excellence in both teaching and research. Over the decades, Surrey has expanded beyond its technical roots to embrace new and emerging disciplines, creating a vibrant academic community that thrives on discovery.

World-Leading Research Contributions

Advancing Communication Technology
Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) is one of the world’s largest academic research centres for mobile communications. The work done here has positioned the UK at the forefront of global telecommunications, with researchers developing cutting-edge 5G technologies that will revolutionise how we connect and communicate.

Leading Space Science Research
In addition, Surrey’s Surrey Space Centre (SSC) has achieved global recognition for its leadership in small satellite technology. The centre has played a pivotal role in numerous international satellite projects, shaping the future of space exploration and providing Surrey students with unique opportunities to contribute to space missions.

Sustainable Development and Global Health
Surrey is also a leader in sustainability and health sciences. The Centre for Environment and Sustainability focuses on innovative solutions for climate change and resource management, while the Institute for Global Health conducts vital research in public health, particularly in infectious diseases and healthcare policies.

Exceptional Research Facilities and Student Opportunities

One of the great things about Surrey University is the world-class facilities available to students and researchers alike. Whether you’re working in the Advanced Technology Institute on cutting-edge nanotechnology or exploring sustainable solutions in the Centre for Environment and Sustainability, the resources here allow students to contribute to real-world solutions and gain hands-on experience.

The collaboration between the university and global industry leaders further enriches the research experience, ensuring that the knowledge gained at Surrey has practical, far-reaching applications. It’s this real-world impact that makes Surrey a place where students don’t just learn—they innovate.

International Collaboration and Impact

As a global university, Surrey actively fosters international collaborations with top institutions and industries. Our research has a broad-reaching impact, addressing global challenges such as digital transformation, health and well-being, and sustainability. These partnerships not only enhance the university’s research output but also create a dynamic and enriching environment for international students.

Innovation for the Future

Surrey University is deeply committed to driving innovation that can solve global problems. The university’s future research agenda emphasises sustainability, digital transformation, and improving quality of life. We believe that through science and research, we can make significant contributions to the world, and Surrey is at the forefront of this mission.

Why Choose Surrey University?

At Surrey, as a student, you’ll be immersed in a culture of innovation. Not only will you benefit from world-class education, but you’ll also be a part of groundbreaking research projects. The university offers countless opportunities for students to engage with global industry leaders, collaborate with academic experts, and be part of cutting-edge research that has the potential to shape the future.

Whether it’s joining research teams in our state-of-the-art laboratories, contributing to next-generation technologies, or tackling complex global challenges, Surrey offers an unmatched learning environment that equips students with the skills and experience to make a difference.


Surrey University’s journey from a polytechnic institute to a world-renowned research institution reflects its commitment to both history and the future. The university’s focus on innovation and academic excellence, combined with its global impact, makes it an ideal place for students passionate about science, technology, and discovery.

As a student at Surrey, you’ll not only have the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest minds in the world but also to contribute to research that’s changing the world. If you’re ready to explore, innovate, and make a difference, Surrey University is the place for you!