在英国寻找艺术瑰宝|Finding the Gem of Arts in the UK


GSA 是英国最古老、最负盛名的表演艺术学院之一,其历史可以追溯到1935年。GSA致力于为表演艺术领域培养顶尖人才,无论是戏剧、音乐剧还是舞蹈,GSA的课程都以其高水准的专业训练和实践经验闻名。学院提供本科、硕士以及博士层次的课程,覆盖表演、编剧、导演、舞台设计等多个领域,为学生提供全方位的艺术教育。GSA的两名校友更是在去年凭借短片《爱尔兰告别》获得了奥斯卡奖。

GSA的教学优势在于其注重实践,学生不仅在课堂中学习理论知识,还能通过与专业人士的合作,参与实际项目。GSA与伦敦西区(West End)以及其他世界知名剧院紧密合作,确保学生能接触到行业内的最新趋势和实践机会。学生们可以在学院内部的剧场中演出,积累舞台经验,同时通过导师的个性化指导,不断提高自己的表演技巧。此外,学院的师资力量也非常强大,许多老师本身就是业界知名的表演者和导演。GSA的毕业生遍布全球表演艺术行业,活跃于舞台、电视和电影领域,他们的成功无不证明了学院教育的卓越。

谈到英国的艺术瑰宝,披头士乐队(The Beatles) 无疑是其中最闪耀的一颗明星。披头士乐队成立于1960年,短短十年的乐队生涯却为世界留下了无数经典作品。乐队成员约翰·列侬(John Lennon)、保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)、乔治·哈里森(George Harrison)和林戈·斯塔尔(Ringo Starr)在音乐创作、表演风格和文化影响力方面都达到了前所未有的高度。

披头士乐队不仅是一支音乐团体,他们的作品影响了整整一代人,乃至几代人。他们开创了“英国入侵”(British Invasion)这一全球音乐现象,将英国的摇滚乐和流行音乐带到了全球各地。乐队的音乐风格涵盖摇滚、流行、实验音乐、迷幻音乐等多种流派,从《Love Me Do》到《Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band》,再到《Abbey Road》,他们每一次的作品都展示了音乐上的创新和变革。披头士不仅塑造了20世纪60年代的文化氛围,至今仍然是全球音乐史上不可忽视的存在。

披头士乐队的影响力远远超出了音乐领域,他们的时尚风格、社会观念以及对艺术的探索,都成为了英伦文化的象征。正因为如此,披头士至今仍然是英国文化遗产的重要组成部分,无论是在伦敦的Abbey Road,还是在利物浦的披头士博物馆,都能感受到他们留下的深刻影响。

在英国学习艺术,尤其是在萨里大学这样的学府,不仅能够接触到国际顶尖的教育资源,还能置身于充满艺术气息的环境中,亲身感受到像披头士这样的艺术巨匠所带来的文化震撼。萨里大学坐落在吉尔福德(Guildford),离伦敦只有短短40分钟的火车车程,这让我们的学生能够轻松前往伦敦西区欣赏各类顶尖的演出和音乐会。同时,大学附近的伊普森音乐学院(Yvonne Arnaud Theatre)和GSA的剧院也为学生们提供了丰富的艺术熏陶机会。



Many of you may have heard of London’s West End and the rich musical and artistic culture of the UK. At the University of Surrey, we are proud to be home to one of the top-performing arts schools in the country – the Guildford School of Acting (GSA). When studying in the UK, you must seize the opportunity to explore the cultural treasures in music and the arts that this nation has contributed to humanity over the centuries.

GSA is one of the oldest and most prestigious performing arts schools in the UK, with a history dating back to 1935. It is dedicated to training the very best talent in the performing arts. Whether it’s theatre, musical theatre, or dance, GSA’s courses are renowned for their high standards of professional training and hands-on experience. The school offers undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programmes that cover a wide range of fields, including acting, playwriting, directing, and stage design, providing students with comprehensive arts education.

What sets GSA apart is its strong emphasis on practice. Students not only learn theory in the classroom but also work on real projects in collaboration with industry professionals. GSA works closely with London’s West End and other renowned theatres worldwide, ensuring students are exposed to the latest trends and practical opportunities in the industry. Students can perform in the school’s own theatres, gaining valuable stage experience while receiving personalised guidance from their tutors to constantly refine their performance skills. In addition, GSA’s faculty is made up of highly respected industry professionals, many of whom are celebrated actors and directors. GSA graduates are active across the global performing arts industry, thriving in theatre, television, and film. Their success speaks volumes about the excellence of the education provided at GSA.

When it comes to artistic treasures in the UK, The Beatles are undoubtedly one of the brightest stars. Formed in 1960, The Beatles left an indelible mark on the world in just a decade of performing. Band members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr reached unprecedented heights in music creation, performance style, and cultural influence.

The Beatles were more than just a musical group – their work impacted not just one generation but several. They pioneered the “British Invasion”, a global music phenomenon that brought British rock and pop music to every corner of the world. Their music spans a wide range of genres, from rock and pop to experimental and psychedelic music. Each of their works, from Love Me Do to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band to Abbey Road, showcased their continuous innovation and transformation in music. The Beatles not only shaped the culture of the 1960s but remain an iconic force in global music history to this day.

Their influence extended far beyond music, touching fashion, social attitudes, and artistic exploration. The Beatles became a symbol of British culture, and their legacy continues to be a vital part of the country’s cultural heritage. Whether it’s at Abbey Road in London or The Beatles Story museum in Liverpool, their deep impact on global culture is still felt today.

Studying the arts in the UK, especially at an institution like the University of Surrey, allows you to access world-class educational resources while being immersed in an environment rich in artistic inspiration. You can directly experience the cultural impact left by artistic giants like The Beatles. Surrey’s location in Guildford, just a 40-minute train ride from London, means our students can easily travel to London’s West End to enjoy some of the world’s best performances and concerts. Additionally, nearby venues like the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre and GSA’s own theatres offer students further opportunities to immerse themselves in the performing arts.

Beyond this, the UK is home to many renowned museums and galleries, such as the British Museum, Tate Modern, and the Victoria and Albert Museum, which provide rich learning and inspiration for students.

GSA at the University of Surrey and the UK’s wealth of cultural heritage offer students unparalleled opportunities to develop in the performing arts. Here, you can receive world-class training at one of the most reputable performing arts schools in the world, while experiencing the profound influence of musical legends like The Beatles on global culture. If you’re passionate about performing arts or aspire to work in music, theatre, or dance, Surrey and the UK’s artistic treasures are resources you cannot afford to miss.