Mini Cooper与萨里大学 | Mini Cooper and the University of Surrey

无论是否是一名汽车爱好者,很多人应该都知道Mini Cooper这款充满鲜明个性的紧凑型轿车。在被宝马汽车收购之后,Mini Cooper成为了宝马旗下专攻年轻人与女性市场的主打车型,并且在过去创造了奇迹般的销量成绩。Mini Cooper是一款充满了英伦元素的汽车,时至今日,我们都可以在这款车型上发现许多致敬英国的元素。而这款传奇车型正是诞生于萨里大学,并且由萨里大学的杰出校友Alec Issigonis爵士在上个世纪五十年代设计和推向市场。

Sir Alec Issigonis在20世纪50年代末设计了这款经典的Mini Cooper,并于1959年推出。Mini Cooper不仅代表了当时汽车设计的创新突破,它也因其紧凑的设计和卓越的燃油经济性,在城市驾驶和赛车运动中大受欢迎。Mini Cooper至今仍然是全球汽车设计和创新的典范,而这一切都源于Issigonis在汽车设计上的卓越才华。

在Mini Cooper成功的背后,是萨里大学饱受赞誉的车辆工程中心(The Centre for Automotive Engineering)。萨里大学的车辆工程中心秉承了像Alec Issigonis这样卓越设计师的创新精神。该中心不仅为学生提供尖端的实验设备和工程技术,培养出色的汽车设计和工程人才,还通过实际项目和行业合作,帮助学生掌握从动力系统开发到智能驾驶技术等前沿领域的知识。学生们在这里不仅学习如何设计和制造汽车,还能参与未来汽车技术的研究和开发,为下一代汽车工程奠定基础。


目前,CAE开设了涵盖本科、硕士和博士全阶段的课程,并且积极推动与行业内主流企业的合作,让萨里大学的学生能够得以在实践中真正学习到车辆设计与制造的精髓。如果你对车辆设计与制造,或者对机械有浓厚的兴趣,不妨关注萨里大学的相关专业,实践性的课程与丰富的行业实习机会将让你的才华插上翅膀,向Alec Issigonis等前辈一样,在汽车设计与制造领域成为行业的佼佼者。

Whether you’re a car enthusiast or not, most people are familiar with the Mini Cooper, a compact car with a distinct personality. Since being acquired by BMW, the Mini Cooper has become a flagship model aimed at younger drivers and the female market, achieving remarkable sales figures over the years. Filled with British charm, the Mini Cooper continues to incorporate many design elements that pay homage to the UK. This legendary car was originally designed in the 1950s by Sir Alec Issigonis, a distinguished alumnus of the University of Surrey.

Sir Alec Issigonis designed the iconic Mini Cooper in the late 1950s, launching it in 1959. The Mini Cooper was not only a revolutionary design at the time but also gained immense popularity for its compact form and exceptional fuel efficiency, making it ideal for city driving and motor racing. To this day, the Mini Cooper remains a global icon of automotive design and innovation, all thanks to Issigonis’ extraordinary talent for car design.

Behind the success of the Mini Cooper stands the University of Surrey’s highly regarded Centre for Automotive Engineering (CAE), which carries forward the innovative spirit of designers like Sir Alec Issigonis. CAE provides students with cutting-edge laboratory facilities and advanced engineering techniques, developing top-tier automotive designers and engineers. Through hands-on projects and close industry partnerships, students at Surrey gain expertise in cutting-edge fields such as powertrain development, lightweight chassis design, and intelligent driving technology. Here, students not only learn how to design and build cars but also contribute to the research and development of future automotive technologies.

Surrey’s automotive engineering programme offers an extensive range of learning opportunities, enabling students to get involved in all stages of the vehicle design and manufacturing process, from concept to testing. For example, students can use advanced testing equipment to analyse engine performance, explore how lightweight materials can improve vehicle efficiency, and engage in research on autonomous driving technologies.

CAE offers undergraduate, master’s, and PhD programmes, actively collaborating with leading industry players to ensure that Surrey students gain invaluable real-world experience. If you have a passion for automotive design, engineering, or mechanical systems, Surrey’s courses provide the perfect platform to realise your potential. With a practical curriculum and numerous industry placements, you’ll be equipped to follow in the footsteps of pioneers like Alec Issigonis and make your mark in the automotive world.