
The Benefits of Taking Pre-sessional Course


Wish you all good health, safety and happiness in the Spring Festival!


Today, I would like to share with you my experience of attending the Pre-sessional course at the University of Surrey last summer.

语言班(Pre-sessional Course)想必对于还在挣扎在“屠鸭之路”上的同学并不陌生。雅思作为英语语言水平的测试工具和衡量标准是留学生在申请学校时候的硬性条件之一。雅思成绩不达标的同学可以通过参加语言班课程并通过考试来证明自己的英语水平并拿取学校录取通知书。

For those who are still struggling for their IELTS grades. The pre-sessional course might have already been taking into consideration. IELTS, as a test tool and measurement standard of English language level, is one of the hard conditions for international students to apply for their degree study at the university. For those students with grades that do not meet the requirement, they can prove their English level by taking the pre-sessional course and passing the examination and get the offer from the university.


However, taking pre-sessional course can bring you more than just improving your English level. Let’s talk about some of the benefits I have got from taking pre-sessional course.

  1. 学术英语水平的提高


1. Improvement of Academic English

Although IELTS test can evaluate individual English level, the level of IELTS performance can not fully demonstrate students’ Academic English ability. Taking part in the pre-sessional course can improve daily and academic English ability from all aspects.

  • 2.提前适应学校学习生活


2. Adapt to University Study in Advance

The one-year master’s program in the UK is more challenging than that in China, especially for those who have no previous experience in studying abroad. It often takes weeks for new students to adapt to different teaching and learning methods in the UK. The adaptation period provided by the pre-sessional course allows students to be fully prepared at the beginning of the main course and directly enter into efficient learning.

  • 3.结交朋友


3. Make friends

Weeks of language classes are also a good time to make new friends. There will also be students from other non-native English speaking countries in the pre-sessional program. During the last summer, I met many students from other countries and became good friends with them. We have built a strong friendship while improving our English.

  • 4.探索英国

语言班不仅仅有对于学术英语的学习,学校还安排了各种主题的讲座还有各类免费的活动像是外出游玩来帮助同学们了解英国文化及游览英国风景, 上一个夏天学校组织大家去了温莎,朴茨茅斯和布莱顿。

4. Explore the UK

During the pre-sessional course, students are not only learning academic English, the university also arranged lectures on various topics and many free activities, such as several trips to help students understand British culture and visit the British landscape. Last summer, the university organized trips to Windsor, Portsmouth and Brighton.

  • 5. 享受英国的夏天


5. Enjoy the Summer in England

Master’s study usually starts in October and ends in August of the next year. Students often don’t experience the summer in England which is the best season for the UK. The pre-sessional course happens to start in summer. For me, taking the pre-sessional course is like spending the summer holiday in the UK.


These are some of my feelings about taking part in the pre-sessional course. Hope it will help you with your application!