Studying at the University of Surrey and living in Guildford where located near the London metropolitan area, it only takes 45 minutes to reach London Waterloo train station. Whether it is employment, internships, studies, or exploring city culture, food adventures for us, London is standing very close to us. If you want to ask me which kind of scenery I like most in London, my answer must be the night view of the financial district of London.
首先我们来了解一下伦敦金融城。根据GaW报告,以国际公司的“高级生产者服务业”供应为主要依据的排名,伦敦和纽约为世界超一线城市(tier 1+),成为了人类最重要的政治、经济、文化、交通物流与服务业中心,支撑起伦敦地位的重要支柱与硬核便是其高度自由与庞大的金融产业,超过四百年历史的金融运作使其拥有巨大深远的国际经济联讯网、丰富实用的金融运营管理经验以及极其扎实的金融专业知识。
First, let’s get to know the financial district of London. According to the GaW report, based on the supply of international companies’ “high-end producer services”, London and New York are the world’s top-tier cities (tier 1+), becoming the most important political, economic, cultural, and transportation hub for the world. As a global financial centre, service, the important pillar and hard core that supporting London’s is its highly free and massive scale financial industry. The financial operation has been around more than 400 years and has given London a huge and far-reaching international economic network and practical financial services, operation management experience and extremely solid financial expertise.
The City of London is located on the southeast side of St. Paul’s Cathedral. It gathers many high-quality financial institutions such as banks, investment bank brokers, insurance, gold markets, and advanced consulting services such as financial accounting, legal affairs, and strategic management. According to statistics, there are 1 million senior white-collar workers directly engaged in the financial industry and related commercial affairs in the City of London. They provide financial operation and consulting services for industrial enterprises and various commercial institutions around the world.
Here is the world’s largest foreign exchange market, accounting for 41% of the world’s share; the world’s largest OTC financial derivatives trading market, accounting for half of the world’s share; there is also the world’s second international insurance market and the European currency and commodity market center. Far ahead of other important regional financial centers, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Paris, etc.
欣赏伦敦夜景,有两个最佳去处,泰晤士河畔的伦敦眼摩天轮(London Eye)和河畔另一侧,滑铁卢火车站旁的碎片大厦(The Shard)顶楼观景台。参观这两个地方都需要提前在网上订票。
The nightview of the London financial district
Personally, I believe that compared with the LED flow-color curtain walls on the exterior walls of high-rise buildings in domestic first-tier cities, the night scenes of CBD in Europe and the United States are more transparent and bright. Compared with cities such as New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, and Shanghai, the City of London has not many tall buildings nor high, but the building area is large and the capacity of each unit is really large. Often a building covers a block, and the sense of hierarchy is also relatively strong. Even in the middle of the night, the city of London was brilliant. Analysts and traders of financial companies were busy connecting with the markets in New York, Boston, Montreal, and Toronto that had just opened in the morning in North America. Standing on the top of the city, you can overlook the dimly lit and constantly flowing city, and feel the pulse of the city driven by the surging capital.
There are two best places to enjoy the night view of London, the London Eye on the River Thames and the rooftop observation deck of The Shard on the other side of the river next to Waterloo Railway Station. To visit these two places, you need to book tickets online in advance.
伦敦眼摩天轮是伦敦的重要地标,我第一次乘坐是在2017年圣诞节假期,伦敦眼是个性价比极高的游览场所,伴随着乘客舱的缓缓抬升,你可以以一个动态的视角去感受错落有致、灯火辉煌、繁华而不失典雅的伦敦金融城。伦敦眼需要提前在网上订票和选择预抵时间,如果购买普通票的话,你需要排很长时间的队,如果肯多花一倍的钱购买VIP entry,就不需排队直接从旁侧走VIP通道进入就可以了。
The London Eye
The London Eye Ferris wheel is an important landmark in London. My first experience was during the 2017 Christmas holiday. The London Eye is a very cost-effective place to visit. As the passenger cabin slowly rises, you can go with a dynamic perspective to overlook the city. Feel the scattered, brilliantly lit, prosperous and elegant City of London. You need to book the ticket for London Eye in advance and choose the estimated arrival time. If you buy regular tickets, you need to queue for a long time. If you are willing to spend twice the money to buy a VIP entry, you do not need to line up directly from the side, just take the VIP channel to enter.
碎片大厦Shard更是伦敦的标志性建筑之一,也是目前的英国第一高楼,从我们萨里大学的cathedral hill court宿舍区上方和Manor Park的高处都可以直接凭肉眼看到,而身临其境,站在伦敦的中心顶端去俯瞰整个伦敦金融城的灯火辉煌、川流不息,那种视觉上的震撼更是难以用语言来形容。去碎片大厦顶端的观景台也需要提前在网上预约购票,它的直通电梯入口在大楼的另一侧。
The Shard
The Shard is another one of the most iconic buildings in London and the tallest building in the UK. It can be seen directly from the upper part of the cathedral hill court accommodation area of the University of Surrey and the height of Manor Park. In this context, standing on the top of the center of London to overlook the brilliant lights and endless stream of the entire City of London, the visual shock is even harder to describe in words. To go to the observation deck at the top of the Shard, you also need to book a ticket online in advance. Its direct elevator entrance is on the other side of the building.