在异国他乡如何寻求心理健康支持 | Mental Wellbeing in the UK

留学生活虽然充满令人兴奋的新机遇和新挑战,但远离家乡、文化适应、学术压力和语言障碍往往会让国际学生更加脆弱。幸运的是,萨里大学的Centre for Wellbeing提供了全方位的心理健康支持,帮助学生应对这些挑战。



  1. 文化冲击:突然进入一个全新的文化环境可能会让人感到迷茫、孤独,甚至产生社交隔离感。国际学生需要花费大量时间适应不同的生活方式、社交习惯以及学术文化,这可能导致焦虑感增强。
  2. 语言障碍:虽然很多国际学生都有很好的语言能力,但在日常生活和学术环境中,语言仍然可能成为一大障碍,尤其是在需要表达复杂情感或思想时。这种语言上的挑战会导致不安、羞怯,甚至产生自我怀疑。
  3. 远离家乡的孤独感:作为国际学生,离开了熟悉的家人和朋友网络,难免会感到孤独。在遇到困难时,国际学生可能会因为缺乏家人和熟人的支持而感到无助,这种情感上的孤立感容易加剧心理问题。
  4. 学术压力:英国大学的学习模式强调独立思考和批判性思维,国际学生可能需要时间适应这种学习风格。加上学术期望和自我要求,长期的高压学习环境很容易导致心理负担。


萨里大学深知这些挑战的存在,因此为学生提供了多种心理健康支持服务,确保每个学生都能在需要时得到帮助。以下是萨里大学Centre for Wellbeing为学生提供的主要支持:

  1. 一对一心理咨询:学生可以通过Centre for Wellbeing预约免费的心理咨询服务。经验丰富的咨询师可以帮助学生讨论和处理学术压力、文化适应、孤独感等问题。
  2. 心理辅导与支持课程:大学还会定期举办各种工作坊,帮助学生学习如何应对压力、管理焦虑、提升自我照顾的技能。这些课程提供了宝贵的实用工具,帮助学生在面对生活和学习中的困难时更加从容。
  3. 在线资源与远程支持:对于那些可能不愿意或不方便面对面咨询的学生,萨里大学提供了一系列在线支持资源。学生可以访问与心理健康相关的指南、文章和视频,帮助他们在需要时进行自我调节和放松。
  4. 紧急心理健康支持:对于处于危机中的学生,学校提供了紧急支持渠道,确保学生能够立即获得专业帮助。这些紧急服务为学生提供了安全的空间,以应对突然的情绪崩溃或严重的心理危机。




如何联系Centre for Wellbeing?

萨里大学的Centre for Wellbeing对所有学生免费开放,学生可以通过学校的在线预约系统进行注册,选择合适的时间进行咨询。此外,学校还为学生提供全天候的紧急心理支持服务,确保在任何时候都能获得帮助。


在国外求学期间,心理健康是每位学生应当关注的核心问题之一。作为国际学生,面对陌生的环境和多重挑战时,及时寻求心理支持尤为重要。萨里大学通过Centre for Wellbeing提供了全面的心理健康服务,帮助学生在面对文化适应、学业压力和生活挑战时获得所需的帮助与支持。


Studying aboard can be exiting and amazing, however, it can also be challenging for international students. International students often face unique challenges that can make them more susceptible to mental health issues.

  1. Cultural Shock: Entering a completely new cultural environment can lead to feelings of confusion, loneliness, and social isolation, as students adapt to different lifestyles, social norms, and academic expectations.
  2. Language Barriers: Even students with strong language skills can struggle with expressing complex emotions or ideas in a second language, leading to anxiety and self-doubt.
  3. Homesickness: Being far from family and friends can intensify feelings of loneliness, particularly during difficult times when the usual support network is unavailable.
  4. Academic Pressure: The UK’s academic system places a strong emphasis on independent thinking and critical analysis, which can take time for international students to adjust to. This, combined with high expectations and self-imposed pressure, can result in significant stress.

Mental Health Support at the University of Surrey

The University of Surrey is deeply aware of these challenges and offers a range of mental health services through its Centre for Wellbeing, ensuring students can receive the support they need. Below are some key services:

  1. One-to-One Counselling: Free, confidential counselling is available, where experienced therapists help students address academic pressure, cultural adaptation, and feelings of loneliness.
  2. Workshops and Support Groups: The university hosts regular workshops aimed at helping students manage stress, anxiety, and self-care. These practical tools empower students to tackle everyday challenges with greater ease.
  3. Online Resources and Remote Support: Surrey offers online mental health resources, including guides, articles, and videos that cover a wide range of topics, from anxiety management to relaxation techniques. Remote counselling services are also available for those who may prefer this option.
  4. Crisis Support: The university provides emergency mental health support for students in immediate need, ensuring that they can access help during times of crisis. These services offer a safe space for those struggling with severe emotional distress or mental health emergencies.

How Mental Health Affects Academic and Personal Life

Mental health has a profound impact on both personal well-being and academic success. Problems such as anxiety, stress, and depression can diminish focus, memory, and motivation, which may lead to difficulties in academic performance. For international students, unchecked mental health challenges can exacerbate feelings of isolation and hinder adaptation to university life.

By seeking timely support from mental health services, students can better manage these pressures and improve their academic results and overall happiness. The University of Surrey’s support system is designed not only to help students with existing concerns but also to prevent potential future crises.

How to Access the Centre for Wellbeing

All University of Surrey students have free access to the Centre for Wellbeing. You can book appointments through the university’s online system, which allows you to schedule counselling sessions at your convenience. For urgent issues, the university also provides 24/7 emergency support to ensure that students can get help whenever they need it.


During your time abroad, mental health should be a priority. International students, in particular, face unique challenges that make psychological support essential. Through the Centre for Wellbeing, the University of Surrey offers comprehensive mental health services that provide the guidance and care needed to overcome academic pressures, cultural adjustments, and life’s challenges.

If you ever feel overwhelmed or in need of support, don’t hesitate to reach out. The university’s mental health resources are here to help you thrive during your time at Surrey.