吉尔福德的日常购物选择|Going Groceries in Guildford


Tesco 是英国规模最大的连锁超市之一,几乎遍布每个城市和城镇。在吉尔福德,你可以在市中心附近找到它的分店,地址是:Ashenden Road, Guildford GU2 7UN。Tesco不仅商品种类齐全,而且价格合理,非常适合留学生群体。从日常的水果、蔬菜到冷冻食品、即食餐,以及各类品牌的日常生活用品和自有品牌(Tesco Value),你几乎能找到任何生活必需品。此外,Tesco的线上购物服务也非常便捷,支持送货上门。留学生可以通过在线购买,节省时间和精力。如果你喜欢亲自挑选商品,还可以去距离你最近的Tesco Express或Tesco Extra,这些门店也非常便利。

Sainsbury’s 是另一家受欢迎的大型超市连锁,以其高质量的商品而闻名。吉尔福德的Sainsbury’s位于吉尔福德零售公园(Guildford Retail Park, Woodbridge Road, Guildford GU1 1AJ),这家门店规模较大,商品种类丰富。Sainsbury’s以其高端自有品牌和有机食品闻名,吸引了许多追求健康饮食和高质量生活方式的人群。虽然价格相比Tesco稍高,但质量与口味往往也更胜一筹。除了食物,Sainsbury’s还提供日常家居用品、厨房设备等,是一个综合性购物的好去处。

对于那些预算较为紧张、希望在日常采购中节省开支的同学,Lidl 是一个理想选择。这是一家以低价策略著称的德国连锁超市,在英国也广受欢迎。吉尔福德的Lidl地址为:Woking Road, Guildford GU1 1NH。Lidl虽然价格便宜,但质量不打折扣,尤其是自有品牌产品,非常适合留学生购买日常食品及生活用品。你可以在这里找到新鲜的水果、蔬菜、面包等基础食品,Lidl的商品包装往往简单直接,价格也因此更加亲民。此外,Lidl还经常推出限时特价商品和主题周活动,每周的商品种类和折扣都不尽相同,购物体验非常有趣。

如果你对购物环境和商品品质有更高的要求,Marks & Spencer(M&S) 会是你不错的选择。M&S在吉尔福德的门店位于市中心的High Street 70-72, Guildford GU1 3HE。这家超市以高质量的食品和时尚商品而闻名,尽管价格相比Tesco和Sainsbury’s要稍高,但其食品的口感和品质往往值得额外的支出。M&S的“食品厅”提供精致的即食食品、高品质的熟食和甜点,非常适合留学生在忙碌学习之余享用快速而美味的餐食。你可以在这里找到各种特色小吃、营养健康的预包装餐,以及独具风味的国际食品。虽然M&S的商品定位偏高端,但它时常推出打折商品和优惠套餐,值得关注。

最后,Waitrose 也是吉尔福德的一家高端超市,地址位于York Road, Guildford GU1 4QG。Waitrose以其优质的有机食品、环保包装和贴心的服务而广受欢迎。它的顾客群体通常偏重高质量的生活方式和健康饮食。Waitrose强调可持续采购,其产品线包括大量的有机食品和自由放养肉类。虽然价格相对较高,但这里的购物体验非常好,门店的布局舒适整洁,商品陈列美观,顾客服务也十分友善。对于那些愿意为更高品质商品支付额外费用的学生,Waitrose会是一个很好的选择。这里的自有品牌商品,如Waitrose Essentials系列,质量优秀且价格相对实惠,也适合留学生的日常需求。


Guildford is home to several major supermarkets, offering a wide range of products to suit the needs of students, families, and locals alike. Whether you’re looking for budget-friendly options, premium quality groceries, or just a convenient place to shop, these supermarkets have something for everyone. Below are some of the key supermarkets in Guildford, each with its own unique offerings and shopping experience.

Tesco is one of the largest and most popular supermarket chains in the UK, and it has a strong presence in Guildford. The main store is located at Ashenden Road, Guildford GU2 7UN, just a short distance from the town centre. Tesco is known for offering a wide range of products at affordable prices, making it an excellent choice for students on a budget. From fresh produce and frozen meals to household essentials and its own brand, Tesco Value, you can find almost everything you need for day-to-day living. Tesco also offers convenient online shopping with delivery services, so you can stock up on essentials without leaving your home. Whether you prefer to shop in person at one of their Tesco Express stores or order online, Tesco provides a flexible and convenient shopping experience.

Another well-known option is Sainsbury’s, a supermarket renowned for its high-quality products. In Guildford, Sainsbury’s can be found at Guildford Retail Park, Woodbridge Road, Guildford GU1 1AJ. This store is larger than many others in the area, and it offers a wide range of goods, including fresh produce, baked goods, and premium products. Sainsbury’s is particularly known for its organic and higher-end items, which appeal to those who are looking for a healthier and more refined shopping experience. Though it can be slightly more expensive than Tesco, the quality often justifies the price. The store also sells home goods and kitchen supplies, making it a one-stop shop for all your needs.

For those looking for the best value for money, Lidl is an excellent choice. Known for its low prices and no-frills shopping experience, Lidl offers a great selection of fresh food, bakery items, and household essentials. In Guildford, you can find Lidl at Woking Road, Guildford GU1 1NH. Lidl is particularly popular with students and those who want to save on their grocery bill without compromising on quality. The store’s private label products offer excellent value, and the ever-changing weekly deals add an element of surprise to each visit. Despite the lower prices, Lidl offers a solid range of fresh produce, making it a practical option for everyday shopping.

For those who prefer a more upscale shopping experience, Marks & Spencer (M&S) is a great option. M&S in Guildford is located in the heart of the town centre at High Street 70-72, Guildford GU1 3HE. M&S is well-known for its premium food hall, offering everything from freshly prepared meals to high-quality produce and gourmet snacks. The food hall is particularly popular for its ready meals, which are both delicious and convenient for students with busy schedules. While the prices are higher than at other supermarkets, the quality and variety make M&S a top choice for those who enjoy finer foods. M&S often has seasonal promotions and meal deals, so keep an eye out for these to save on your purchases.

Finally, Waitrose is another high-end supermarket that caters to those seeking quality and sustainability. Located at York Road, Guildford GU1 4QG, Waitrose is famous for its focus on organic and responsibly sourced products. The store provides a calm and pleasant shopping experience, with a wide range of premium groceries, from fresh vegetables to free-range meat. Waitrose places great emphasis on ethical sourcing, making it the ideal destination for those who prioritise sustainability and quality. Although it is typically more expensive, Waitrose also offers its own Essential Waitrose range, providing good quality at more affordable prices.

Overall, Guildford’s supermarkets offer a variety of shopping experiences to suit different preferences and budgets. Whether you’re looking to save money or indulge in premium goods, you’ll find what you need. As a student, these supermarkets not only provide essential goods but also offer a way to enjoy British culture through its food. From Tesco’s affordability to Waitrose’s premium selection, there’s a perfect place for everyone to shop in Guildford.