Buying Fish in the UK (I) | 在英国常见的鱼类


三文鱼(Salmon) 三文鱼是英国超市里最常见的鱼类之一,它的肉质鲜嫩,富含Omega-3脂肪酸,适合健康饮食。三文鱼通常有两种形式:苏格兰养殖的三文鱼和野生的阿拉斯加三文鱼。三文鱼适合多种烹饪方法,如烤、煎、蒸或生食(制作寿司)。超市里一般可以找到三文鱼片、整鱼或者腌制好的三文鱼。

鳕鱼(Cod) 鳕鱼是英国最受欢迎的白鱼之一,尤其是在炸鱼薯条(Fish and Chips)中非常常见。鳕鱼肉质细腻、味道清淡,非常适合煎炸、烤制或炖汤。鳕鱼通常以去骨鱼片的形式出售,有时也能找到鳕鱼肝,这是一种营养丰富的食材。

黑线鳕(Haddock) 黑线鳕和鳕鱼一样是英国炸鱼薯条的常见选择,它比鳕鱼的口感稍微紧实一些,味道稍微更浓郁。黑线鳕适合烤、煮或者煎炸,尤其适合搭配奶油或奶酪的酱汁。黑线鳕的鱼片在超市中非常容易找到,通常与鳕鱼一起摆放。

鲭鱼(Mackerel) 鲭鱼是一种油脂丰富的鱼类,富含Omega-3脂肪酸,口感浓郁。它通常以腌制、熏制或新鲜的形式出售,适合烤、煎或者烟熏。因为鲭鱼的味道较为强烈,适合用作凉菜、开胃菜或者搭配沙拉食用。

鲱鱼(Herring) 鲱鱼是另一种油脂丰富的鱼类,常见于英国超市的熏制品区。熏鲱鱼(kippers)是英国传统的早餐食品,通常是将整条鱼经过熏制后食用,味道浓郁。鲱鱼也可以用来腌制或制作鱼罐头,富含营养,适合凉拌或搭配面包食用。

比目鱼(Plaice) 比目鱼是一种常见的扁平鱼,鱼肉细嫩、口感鲜美,适合蒸、煎或烤。它的味道清淡,适合搭配各种调味料,尤其是柠檬汁和黄油酱汁。比目鱼片在超市中通常以新鲜或冷冻的形式出售,是轻食和健康餐饮的好选择。

多宝鱼(Turbot) 多宝鱼是另一种高档的扁平鱼,因其细腻的肉质和丰富的风味而受到欢迎。多宝鱼适合烤、煮或者蒸,通常是高级餐厅中的常见食材。在超市中,它的价格相对较高,适合特殊场合或节日聚餐。

海鲂(Brill) 海鲂是一种较为稀有的扁平鱼,但在一些高端超市如Waitrose中可以找到。它的肉质柔软、味道微甜,适合蒸、烤或煮。由于它的肉质较为娇嫩,烹饪时要注意火候,以免破坏其原有的口感。

鳟鱼(Trout) 鳟鱼与三文鱼属于同一家族,肉质相似但风味较为温和。超市里常见的鳟鱼有两种:虹鳟鱼和棕鳟鱼。鳟鱼可以整鱼购买,非常适合烤制或煎制,搭配柠檬和香草是一道美味的健康菜肴。

海鲈鱼(Sea Bass) 海鲈鱼是一种高档鱼类,常见于高端超市或鱼类市场。它的肉质细腻,适合多种烹饪方法,尤其是清蒸、煎烤或红烧。海鲈鱼的味道较为清淡,适合与浓郁的酱汁或者清新的调味料搭配。


Facing the Atlantic Sea and with the bliss of the sea, UK has a massive amount of fish sources. When studying in the UK, familiarising yourself with the various supermarkets can be very helpful. British supermarkets offer a wide variety of fish, and here are ten types commonly found:

  1. Cod: This white fish is versatile and widely used in dishes like fish and chips. Cod is known for its mild flavour and flaky texture.
  2. Haddock: Similar to cod, haddock is another popular fish used in British cuisine. It is often smoked or fried.
  3. Salmon: Widely available in both fresh and smoked forms, salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is a favourite for grilling, baking, or poaching.
  4. Sea Bass: Known for its delicate, sweet flavour, sea bass is commonly served grilled or pan-fried. It’s a staple in many fine-dining restaurants but is also available in supermarkets.
  5. Mackerel: This oily fish is packed with nutrients and is often sold smoked or canned. It has a rich, robust flavour and is popular in salads or with bread.
  6. Plaice: A type of flatfish with a mild flavour, plaice is usually breaded and fried. It’s a common option in British fishmongers.
  7. Tuna: Fresh tuna steaks are a healthy choice, but tinned tuna is incredibly popular for sandwiches and salads. Tuna is also a common ingredient in sushi.
  8. Pollock: A more sustainable alternative to cod, pollock is often used in fish fingers and other processed fish products. It’s a firm, white fish with a subtle flavour.
  9. Sardines: Usually sold tinned, sardines are an affordable and nutrient-packed fish option. They are often grilled or added to salads and pizzas.
  10. Trout: Similar to salmon, trout is a freshwater fish often farmed in the UK. It has a slightly stronger flavour and is great for baking or grilling.

Most major supermarkets like Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Lidl, M&S, and Waitrose offer these fish in various forms, ensuring you have plenty of choices whether you’re cooking a traditional British dish or trying something new. Keep in mind that many of these supermarkets also provide sustainable options, which are better for the environment. Whether fresh or frozen, you’ll find a wide selection of fish to incorporate into your meals.