Buying Fish in the UK (II) | 认识英国的常见鱼类 (II)





Lemon Sole(柠檬鳎鱼):柠檬鳎鱼是一种扁平鱼,肉质细腻、味道清淡,适合用简单的烹饪方法来呈现。它通常被煎或烤制,搭配柠檬汁和黄油,使其风味更加突出。柠檬鳎鱼不仅在家庭餐桌上受欢迎,还常常出现在高档餐厅的菜单中。它的优雅口感和外观使其成为特别场合的理想选择,通常与新鲜的时蔬一起搭配,增添了餐点的层次感和视觉吸引力。





Sea Bream(海鲷鱼):海鲷鱼是一种高档餐桌鱼,以其鲜美的肉质和多样的烹饪方式受到欢迎。它通常被清蒸或烤制,搭配香草、柠檬和橄榄油,成为一道美味的主菜。海鲷鱼的肉质紧实,适合与各类酱汁和配菜搭配,增添了餐点的风味层次,使其成为庆祝活动中的佳肴。



炸鱼和薯条(Fish and Chips):这道菜是英国的国民美食,通常由新鲜的鱼(如鳕鱼或黑线鳕)裹上面糊炸至金黄,再搭配酥脆的薯条。炸鱼和薯条不仅在酒吧中受欢迎,也是许多家庭的首选。此菜肴的特点在于外脆内嫩,搭配醋和塔塔酱,给人一种完美的口感体验。无论是在海滨小摊还是高档餐厅,炸鱼和薯条都深受欢迎,是游览英国时不可或缺的美食体验。

鱼炖菜(Fish Stew):鱼炖菜是一道浓郁的海鲜料理,通常使用多种鱼类和海鲜,搭配新鲜的蔬菜和香料炖煮而成。其丰富的口感和浓郁的味道使其成为家庭聚会中的热门选择,尤其适合寒冷的冬天。鱼炖菜的配料可以根据个人口味自由选择,既能保留海鲜的鲜美,又能将各类蔬菜的营养充分融入其中。这道菜不仅温暖人心,还能与面包一同享用,增添了聚会的欢乐气氛,成为一种共享的美食享受。

Hake is a commonly enjoyed white fish, loved for its mild flavour and rich nutritional benefits. With its soft texture, it is versatile for various cooking methods, including frying, baking, or steaming. Particularly popular in Spain and the Mediterranean, hake is often paired with lemon, garlic, and herbs to create delicious dishes. Its high protein and low-fat content make it an ideal choice for healthy eating. Hake can be enjoyed on its own or served alongside various seasonal vegetables or rice, enhancing the meal’s flavour profile.

Tilapia is an economical freshwater fish known for its firm flesh and mild taste, making it suitable for a variety of recipes. It can be fried, baked, or steamed and is often enhanced with spices and seasonings to create rich flavours. Tilapia is particularly popular as a healthy fast food option due to its low calorie and high protein content, appealing to families and students alike. It is also frequently used in salads or stir-fried with vegetables, adding nutritional value to meals and becoming a staple on the dining table.

Monkfish is renowned for its tender, meaty texture and distinct flavour, often featured in stews and curries. Despite its unappealing appearance, its unique taste leaves a lasting impression. The firm flesh of monkfish is perfect for pairing with robust sauces, making it a sought-after dish in upscale restaurants. When prepared, monkfish can be cooked with fresh seafood, vegetables, and spices, resulting in a luxurious seafood feast that seafood lovers cannot resist.

Lemon sole is a flatfish prized for its delicate flavour and fine texture. Usually pan-fried or baked, it is complemented with butter, lemon, and herbs to bring out its flavours. Popular not only on family tables but also featured on upscale restaurant menus, lemon sole’s elegant taste and appearance make it an ideal choice for special occasions. It is commonly served alongside fresh seasonal vegetables, enhancing both the dish’s flavour and visual appeal.

Gurnard is a lesser-known fish that boasts a delightful flavour, often used in fish stews and soups. Its firm flesh is well-suited for cooking with various spices and fresh vegetables. Gurnard absorbs flavours beautifully during the cooking process, resulting in a rich seafood taste. In many regional dishes, gurnard is combined with other seafood, enhancing the overall flavour and making it a favourite among diners.

Other notable fish include mackerel, a fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, ideal for grilling or smoking, and skate, known for its unique texture and flavour. Whiting is another popular option, appreciated for its delicate flesh, while sardines provide a rich taste packed with nutrients. Finally, haddock, a staple in traditional fish and chips, is celebrated for its firm, flaky texture and mild taste, making it a favourite among seafood enthusiasts.

Each of these fish contributes to the diverse and rich culinary landscape of the UK, providing countless options for delicious and healthy meals.

When it comes to traditional British fish dishes, fish and chips stands out as a national favourite. Typically made with fresh fish, such as cod or hake, coated in batter and deep-fried until golden brown, it is served with crispy chips. This dish is a staple in pubs and a popular choice for many families. The key characteristics of fish and chips lie in its crunchy exterior and tender interior, typically accompanied by malt vinegar and tartar sauce, creating a perfect taste experience. Whether enjoyed at seaside stalls or high-end restaurants, fish and chips is a must-try for anyone visiting the UK.

Another beloved dish is fish stew, a hearty seafood recipe that incorporates a variety of fish and shellfish simmered with fresh vegetables and herbs. Its rich texture and robust flavours make it a popular choice for family gatherings, especially during colder months. The ingredients in fish stew can be tailored to personal preferences, preserving the freshness of the seafood while incorporating various vegetables’ nutritional value. This dish is not only comforting but also often enjoyed with crusty bread, adding to the joy of sharing a delicious meal with loved ones.