在英国和银行打交道 | Banking in the UK



Lloyds Bank 是英国历史悠久的银行之一,适合国际学生使用。Lloyds的学生账户无需月费,并且支持全球汇款。开户流程简单,申请者需要提供护照、签证、住址证明以及学生证明(如学校的录取通知书)。此外,Lloyds提供先进的手机银行App,学生可以通过手机轻松管理账户、进行转账等。
吉尔福德分行地址:147 High St, Guildford GU1 3AG

HSBC 是全球最大的银行之一,尤其适合国际学生。HSBC提供专门的国际学生账户,具有免月费的特点,并支持国际转账服务。开户时,需在线填写申请表并提交护照、签证、住址证明以及学校录取通知书。HSBC的手机银行App也非常便捷,适合学生快速管理账户。而且HSBC由于有港资背景,所以在亚太地区也有许多网点。
吉尔福德分行地址:12A North St, Guildford GU1 4AF

Barclays 是英国另一家受欢迎的银行,提供出色的数字银行服务。Barclays的学生账户支持无息透支和学生专属的优惠,适合日常开支管理。开户时,需要提供护照、签证、住址证明和学生证明。该银行的手机App设计直观,学生可以方便地进行账户管理和支付账单。
吉尔福德分行地址:19 North St, Guildford GU1 4AG

NatWest 以其灵活的服务和卓越的客户支持著称。这家银行又被称为皇家西敏寺银行,可见其实力和背景深厚。NatWest为国际学生提供免费账户,支持透支服务,并且学生在购买一些指定物品时还能享受优惠。申请者需要提供护照、签证和学校的入学证明。通过NatWest的手机银行服务,学生可以轻松查看账户余额、支付账单、转账等。
吉尔福德分行地址:151 High St, Guildford GU1 3AH

Santander 提供零月费的学生账户,且附带一些优惠,如购物折扣和无息透支额度。Santander专门为国际学生提供了一种便捷的申请流程,申请者只需在线提交护照、签证、住址证明以及学校的录取通知书即可。Santander的App功能全面,学生可以轻松管理财务。
吉尔福德分行地址:43 High St, Guildford GU1 3DY


  1. 选择银行:确定最适合自己的银行和账户类型,每家银行的学生账户都提供不同的优惠服务。
  2. 准备材料:大多数银行需要护照、签证、住址证明(例如租房合同或水电账单)、以及学校的录取通知书或学生卡。新生没有住址证明,则需要到学校开具银行信来证明自己的学生身份和住址。
  3. 预约或在线申请:部分银行允许在线申请,部分需要预约到分行办理。
  4. 验证身份和材料:银行通常会要求亲自到店验证身份,或通过视频验证。
  5. 激活账户:账户开通后,银行会邮寄银行卡,并附带激活指南,持卡人可通过电话、银行网站或App激活账户。


  1. 考虑国际转账服务:对于国际学生来说,汇款功能是重要考虑因素。像HSBC这样的全球银行在这方面具有优势。
  2. 留意账户优惠:许多银行为学生提供独特的福利,如无息透支额度、折扣和现金返还服务。
  3. 数字服务:银行的手机应用程序使用体验也是选择的重要标准。几乎所有银行都提供了强大的在线服务,可以让学生随时查看账户、转账和管理日常开支。
  4. 实体银行:如我们前文所述,往往实体银行具有更加可靠的客户服务质量。


  • 尽早开户:到达英国后尽早预约或在线申请开户,确保能够及时使用银行账户支付学费、房租和日常开销。
  • 住址证明:住址证明是银行开户的关键材料之一,通常可以使用租房合同或水电费账单来证明。


One of the first things you need to do when arriving in the UK is to open a new bank account. In this blog, we’ll introduce a few major banks in Guildford and guide you through the steps to open an account.

In the UK, the term “high street banks” is often used, referring to banks that have physical branches on the main shopping streets of towns. High streets are central areas in every town, lined with shops, restaurants, and key businesses, including banks. For a bank to have a presence on the high street is a symbol of its strength and reputation. As one of the earliest nations to develop the finance industry, the UK has a rich variety of banks to choose from.

Broadly speaking, banks are divided into internet-only banks (such as Monzo and Revolut) and traditional banks (like HSBC or Barclays). Internet banks do not have physical branches and typically rely on post offices or third-party channels for deposits. Traditional banks, on the other hand, offer a full range of services and tend to have branches on the high street. For students new to the UK, we recommend opting for a traditional bank because visiting a physical branch can be the quickest way to resolve any issues.

Here are five recommended banks in Guildford:

Lloyds Bank

Lloyds is one of the oldest banks in the UK and is suitable for international students. Its student account has no monthly fee and supports global transfers. The account opening process is straightforward, requiring a passport, visa, proof of address, and student status (e.g., university acceptance letter).
Branch Address: 147 High St, Guildford GU1 3AG


HSBC is one of the largest global banks and offers international student accounts with no monthly fee, along with international transfer services. To open an account, you must complete an online application and submit your passport, visa, proof of address, and university acceptance letter.
Branch Address: 12A North St, Guildford GU1 4AF


Barclays is another popular UK bank that provides excellent digital banking services. Its student accounts offer interest-free overdrafts and student-specific perks. The account opening process requires a passport, visa, proof of address, and student ID.
Branch Address: 19 North St, Guildford GU1 4AG


NatWest is known for its flexible services and excellent customer support. It offers free student accounts with overdraft facilities, and students can enjoy discounts on select purchases. Applicants need to provide a passport, visa, and proof of enrolment.
Branch Address: 151 High St, Guildford GU1 3AH


Santander offers a student account with no monthly fee, along with benefits such as shopping discounts and interest-free overdrafts. The application process is simple; students need to submit their passport, visa, proof of address, and university acceptance letter.
Branch Address: 43 High St, Guildford GU1 3DY

Account Opening Process:

  1. Choose a Bank: Pick the one that best fits your needs.
  2. Prepare Documents: Most banks require a passport, visa, proof of address (e.g., rental agreement or utility bill), and a university acceptance letter. If you don’t have a proof of address, your university can issue a bank letter to verify your student status and address.
  3. Book an Appointment or Apply Online: Some banks allow online applications, while others may require an in-branch appointment.
  4. Verify Identity: You may need to visit the branch for in-person verification or complete an online identity check.
  5. Activate Your Account: Once your account is opened, the bank will send you a debit card by post, along with instructions on how to activate it via phone, online, or through the bank’s app.

Choosing the Right Bank:

  • International Transfer Services: For international students, the ability to transfer money internationally is a key factor. HSBC excels in this area with its global presence.
  • Student Perks: Many banks offer unique student perks, such as interest-free overdrafts, discounts, and cashback deals.
  • Digital Services: Almost all banks offer mobile banking apps, but the user experience can vary. It’s worth considering how easy it is to manage your account and transactions digitally.


  • Open an Account Early: Make sure to schedule an appointment or apply online as soon as you arrive to avoid delays in paying rent or university fees.
  • Proof of Address: This is a critical document for opening a bank account. You can use your rental contract or utility bill as proof.

The banking system in the UK is highly developed and caters well to the needs of international students. Whether it’s paying tuition, handling daily expenses, or transferring money internationally, UK banks provide comprehensive services to meet your needs. In Guildford, most banks are located conveniently in the town centre, making it easy for students to access in-person banking services when needed.