英国园艺设计的大师之作 —— Painshill Park | The Masterpiece of Garden Design – Painshill Park


就在我们美丽的萨里大学校园附近,就隐藏着一座由National Trust托管的英国园艺设计的大师之作——Painshill Park。

Painshill公园位于萨里(Surrey)郡,是一座独具特色的18世纪风景园林,设计者是园林爱好者查尔斯·汉密尔顿(Charles Hamilton)。他从1738年起开始打造这个迷人的公园,融合了自然与建筑之美。园内有许多引人注目的景点,如著名的哥特式神庙、土耳其帐篷、罗马式拱门和人工打造的水晶洞穴,这些建筑与周围的湖泊、森林和田园风光相得益彰,营造出一种诗意的氛围。



Painshill公园内最具代表性的景点之一是其壮观的水晶洞穴 (Crystal Grotto)。这座人工打造的洞穴由成千上万的水晶和矿石构成,游客可以进入其中,感受到宛如梦幻世界的景象。另一个不可错过的景点是大湖(Serpentine Lake),湖水清澈,环绕着公园的中心,游客可以在湖边悠闲散步,欣赏湖光山色。


The art of gardening in China boasts a remarkably rich history. From the renowned northern gardens of the Summer Palace and Yuanmingyuan to the southern Jiangnan and Lingnan gardens, craftsmen of the past have left us countless artistic treasures through their ingenuity and skill. These garden designs often encapsulate the artisans’ personal experiences, the characteristics of local resources and culture, as well as the historical context of their time.

On the other side of the Eurasian continent, British garden art also flourishes, yielding many gems of human artistry. From royal gardens such as Hampton Court and Buckingham Palace to private gardens, the pursuit of beauty transcends time and geography.

Nestled near our beautiful University of Surrey campus is Painshill Park, a masterpiece of British horticultural design managed by the National Trust.

Painshill Park, located in Surrey, is a distinctive 18th-century landscape garden designed by the garden enthusiast Charles Hamilton. He began creating this enchanting park in 1738, merging the beauty of nature and architecture. The park features many striking attractions, such as the famous Gothic Temple, Turkish Tent, Roman Arch, and man-made Crystal Grotto. These structures complement the surrounding lakes, forests, and pastoral scenery, creating a poetic atmosphere.

Charles Hamilton was deeply influenced by the European concept of “landscape gardens.” After traveling across Europe, he returned to England with the determination to create a garden that combined art and nature. Painshill is not only a canvas for his creativity but also a reflection of his love for horticulture and architectural art. Today, the park stands as a model of British landscape gardening and is recognised as a national cultural heritage site, attracting countless visitors.

Hamilton’s travels in Europe profoundly influenced his garden design philosophy. Upon his return to England, he aimed to showcase a “living work of art” through Painshill, where every corner and attraction in the garden resembles a landscape painting. He drew inspiration from the garden styles of countries such as France and Italy while incorporating his own creativity. The park features not only artificial lakes and expansive lawns but also structures like the Gothic Temple, Chinese Bridge, and Roman Arch, creating an overall landscape that is both classical and exotic.

The charm of Painshill lies in its meticulously designed layout. Hamilton envisioned that through various horticultural and architectural elements, visitors would feel as if they were walking through different landscape paintings. As visitors stroll through the park, they can sense the style inspired by classical art, experiencing a blend of tranquility and beauty that fuses nature and history.

One of the most representative attractions within Painshill Park is the spectacular Crystal Grotto. This man-made cave is adorned with thousands of crystals and stones, allowing visitors to enter and experience a dreamlike world. Another must-see is the Serpentine Lake, with its clear waters surrounding the park’s centre, where visitors can leisurely stroll by the lake and admire the scenery.

Moreover, the park’s iconic buildings, such as the Gothic Temple and Chinese Bridge, not only showcase 18th-century architectural styles but also provide excellent backdrops for photography. These attractions reflect the fusion of different cultural elements in Europe, symbolising the era’s yearning for and exploration of exoticism.