New: ECR Equality, Diversity and Inclusion working group

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) working group has been set up as a part of ECR forum at the University of Surrey with the following objectives:

  • Gather information on the state of ED&I for ECRs at the University level to identify gaps and challenges
  • Create awareness within the University at different levels (ECR to Higher management) using the information
  • Propose short-term and long-term solutions to inform University policymakers to create an impact

The group will initially focus on three areas: Athena Swan (gender equality), Race equality and LGBTQ+ equality. The focus will be expanded in future to other important areas including disability, neurodiversity, and mental health.

The Working Group meets approximately once every six weeks and is organized by Dr Armin Mustafa & Dr Giovanni Mirouh. Any ECR Rep is welcome to attend, contribute, or suggest agenda items. For more information visit:

First Event:

Date: October 9 at 2pm, Lecture Theater E.

Title: Gender and academia: Inequalities, precarities, intersections

Speaker: Tamsin Hinton-Smith, Senior Lecturer in Higher Education, University of Sussex

Abstract: This talk will draw on experience in higher education teaching and research over twenty years in the UK and internationally, with a focus around issues of inequalities, inclusion and exclusions in higher education, that includes but is not restricted to gender. I suggest the need for us to recognise the ongoing significance of gendered inequalities in HE spaces, but in ways that avoid creating hierarchies of inequalities, instead acknowledging the complexity of shifting, slippery configurations of privilege, power and exploitation. Acknowledging the privileges and prejudices that we all have enables us to apply ourselves collectively to railing against inequalities and precarities in academia, in pursuit of creating a more equitable, human and kinder university to our shared benefit. After sharing insights from my own experience, I will invite participants to join in discussion together around identified priorities, challenges, and ways forward.

Biography: Tamsin’s background is as a sociologist of gender and education, including former Co-Director of the Sussex Centre for Gender Studies. She has nearly twenty years experience teaching and researching in higher education, with a central focus around HE participation inequalities for different groups including lone parents, care experienced young people, and people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) backgrounds. Tamsin’s interests include experiences of students and staff, in access, transitions, remaining and progressing in HE spaces. Her work has led her to become involved in institutional strategic and policy development around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; and she also works with academic leaders around gender and equality issues in international contexts.