Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

Studentship Approval Recording Tool: coming soon

The University will soon be launching the new Studentship Approval Recording Tool (StART), an app for recording the full financial details and governance approvals for individual studentships. This app will help streamline the launch of studentship projects and ensure the finances are set up correctly. This should improve both the PGRs’ and supervisors’ experience. The […]

Academic Writing Month (AcWriMo) 2024

AcWriMo is an international initiative that takes place every November. At Surrey, we put together a programme of writing development workshops, writing retreats and other activities for PGRs to support their academic writing. Have a look at the AcWriMo 2024 programme below and sign up for the sessions you are interested in here. Date Time Event […]

Collaborative Writing Retreats in 2023-24

In addition to the writing retreats and writing cafés offered at Surrey (which you can sign up for on Surrey Self-Service), our doctoral and early career researchers can benefit from collaborative Virtual Writing Retreats offered by a group of universities that we have teamed up with. These retreats are of varying lengths and formats, and […]

Doctoral College Summer Writing Retreat 2023: Writing with Others to Increase Productivity

By Nadya Yakovchuk (Lecturer in Academic Writing, Doctoral College) In early July we hosted our annual Doctoral College Summer Writing Retreat – an intensive two-day event aimed at supporting PGRs and ECRs in making substantial progress with their writing. Since emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been running this retreat in a hybrid format. […]

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