For Black History Month, the DC have asked members of the Surrey Research Community to nominate a Black scholar who has inspired them
UKRI Future Leaders Fellow Dr Payel Das nominates KEITH HAWKINS
“Dr Keith Hawkins has made a fantastic contribution to the field of Milky Way Astronomy. He is currently an assistant professor at the University of Texas in Austin. He is a galactic archaeologist, studying the `chemical fingerprint of the building blocks of the Milky Way stars’. He has made important contributions to this field in his precise mapping of chemical abundances of Milky Way stars and has proposed novel methods for identifying stars from different origins. He has also made an outstanding contribution to outreach. His particular interest is in mentoring STEM students from underrepresented minority groups.”
Take a look at his website and find out about his work as a Galactic Archaeologist:http://www.as.utexas.edu/~khawkins/