The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2023 (PRES)

PRES 2023 goes live this week and Postgraduate Researchers will be receiving an email asking them to complete the survey online, where they can share their experience of doing a research degree.
It is the UK’s primary national survey of postgraduate research students (PGR) and the only way for the University to benchmark how it is doing against other universities.
Results from last year’s survey have already led to changes and recommendations being made to improve the PGR experience at Surrey. These include:
- Developing resources and facilities for remote learning
- Introducing online and in-person student discussion groups
- Providing advice on assessments and progression
- Working with staff at the Doctoral College to explore professional development and training needs.
Clare Wunderly, Acting Head of Doctoral College/Deputy Director said:
“PRES helps us to understand the PGR experience, particularly what areas are working and those that might need improving. It is a beneficial way for us to engage with our postgraduate researcher community.”