Doctoral College news

The latest news and updates from the postgraduate research (PGR) and early career researcher (ECR) community at the University of Surrey

AcWriMo: Editing & Proofreading

People often think that editing and proofreading are the same.  Actually, they are different although there is a degree of overlap between the two. Let’s consider what is meant by these two terms. We’ll start with editing. Editing Generally, editing refers to the process of making changes to the structural and conceptual elements of your […]

AcWriMo: Writing a Discussion

The focus of this post is on how to write a Discussion section. The first consideration when planning your Discussion is to check whether the journal asks for separate Discussion and Conclusion sections.  Sometimes, journals simply ask for a Conclusion section, not a Discussion.  This is often the case in argument-based papers where there are […]

AcWriMo: Our rights as authors: why should we care?

Picture that blissful moment when you receive the email finally accepting your paper. Picture those feelings of relief and pride to have successfully addressed even the obscure demands of the infamous Reviewer 2… All those hours of writing, editing, polishing, rewriting; all those weeks waiting for an editorial decision, are finally rewarded. Let’s face it; […]

AcWriMo: Discover How to Write a Good Article Introduction

Article introductions are all about setting the scene for the reader before you launch into the main discussion in your article. A good tip when writing your introduction is to think about what the reader needs to know.  This helps you to structure what you want to say in a reader-friendly way. So, what does […]

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