Beyond the Dunes – Adventure to Sahara

Have you ever dreamt of golden sands stretching endlessly beneath a vast, star-studded sky? The thrill of riding a camel across breathtaking dunes?

If so, buckle up and prepare to be dazzled by the Sahara’s mesmerizing beauty – your Moroccan odyssey begins now πŸ™‚

As the world’s largest desert, Sahara stretches across multiple African countries and marks the same size as the US. Beyond maps, Sahara was, also, often featured in movies and books. Amongst them, the Sahara stories and The Little Prince are two of the prime examples <3

This 4D3N trip to Sahara will depart from Marrakech, and ends @ Fes. Takes about 6 to 7 hours drive per day, we will be passing by Ait Benhaddou, Dades Gorge, Rose City, some Berber villages and so forth – each place has their very own cultural landscape and characteristics.

Everything, I assure you, is eye-opening. And the greatest highlight of the trip is, for sure, the two days in desert πŸ˜€

Starting each day by enjoying the sunrise, following a rich breakfast, nice cup of coffee then drive around enjoying the view, taking pictures

The Sahara Desert was in fact underwater, in contrast to its present-day arid environment, hence these fossils

The driver will then take us to visit the dwellings of the local nomadic people ⛺️ –

The Berbers

The Berbers are an ethnic group indigenous to Northwest Africa, speaking the Berber languages of the Afroasiatic family. Originally, Berber was a generic name given by the Romans to numerous heterogeneous ethnic groups that shared similar cultural, political, and economic practices. It was not a term originated by the group itself. Their presence has been recorded as early as 3000 B.C.E where Greeks, Romans, and ancient Egyptians have indicated the presence of Berbers in their records.  The Maghreb region in northwestern Africa is believed to have been inhabited by Berbers from at least 10,000 B.C.E.

Historically, it is not clear how the name “Berber” evolved, although it is supposed to be from the word “barbarian,” applied by Romans to many peoples.

The variation is a French one when spelled Berbere and English when spelled “Berber.”

Immerse yourself with Moroccan’s hospitality

Quad bike, something we shouldn’t miss when you are in Sahara

The weather wasn’t that bad really, it was 37 degrees but more like the comfortable type

But with the Djellaba… it was really hot so I had to take the Djellaba off lol
Speed up all the way up to the top, make sure you remember to take some pictures, and a moment to enjoy the breeze, and feel the charm of this very desert.

Shortly after finishing the quad trip, our driver will take us to ride a camel as the sun sets off (if there’s enough time, you can actually go sandboarding a bit πŸ˜›

After sunset, you will ride back to the camp for your dinner, following with some local music performances by the campfire.

Meanwhile, DON’T FORGET to look up, where you encounter countless stars…

Frankly, a Moroccan adventure is never complete without venturing into the vast expanse of the Sahara Desert. Whilst signing up for a shared group tour is a popular option for budget travelers (in fact there are plenty of options on platforms like Klook, KKday, and so), consider personalizing your own desert expedition would make your journey even more memorable! So if you are seeking for a hassle-free desert experience tailored to your desires, a private tour will be the right choice.

These private tours cater to groups of as little as one person (yes, you heard it right, one), ensuring an intimate and personalized experience. You will be traveling in a comfortable 7-seater van. For your stay, you will be staying in a luxurious desert camp, where you’ll be able to enjoy the comforts of hot showers and flush toilets (to your own!). Throughout your journey, your driver will be at your disposal, catering to your every request and ensure a truly exceptional Sahara adventure.

This blog has basically covered the highlight of a Sahara adventure, but in fact, there are a lot more for you to explore! We will be covering other cities in the next blog, so see yall in the next blog πŸ˜‰