みなさん、はじめまして。このたびサリー大学の学生アンバサダーに就任しました田中桃子と申します。現在、観光マネジメント修士課程(MSc International Tourism Management)に在籍し、観光地開発のセオリーや観光業が地元コミュニティもたらす影響、持続可能な観光を実現するための施策等を学んでいます。日本担当として、当大学の魅力や日々の生活について日本語と英語で紹介させていただきます。当大学に入学した経緯、学生生活、プライベートの過ごし方、卒業後のビジョンやキャンパスで起こる様々な出来事について、できる限り具体的に、みなさんがイメージしやすい形でレポートしていく予定です。どうぞよろしくお願いします。
Hello, everyone! My name is Momoko Tanaka and I am a student ambassador of Japan. My major is MSc International Tourism Management and my main focuses are tourism development, social and environmental impacts of tourism, sustainability of tourism, just to name a few. As an ambassador of Japan, I will be reporting my exciting student life here at Surrey both in English and Japanese. The topics covered will be; Why Surrey?, Academic life, Private time, My goal after Surrey, and so on. I hope you’ll enjoy sharing my experience across the year!
Today, I would like to briefly talk about myself. Ever since I studied in the US as a high school exchange student, I have always wanted to get involved with promoting Japan abroad. My student work experience at a Japanese tour bus company made my thought even stronger. The company operated bus tours in English and Chinese exclusively for foreign tourists visiting Japan. At every moment when the customers were happy and thanked me, I felt fulfilled, content, and proud of seeing them so interested in meeting my country and culture. After working for a Japanese IT company as a sales consultant, I worked for a Japanese Embassy in Europe for 3 years. Through my work at the embassy, I felt that the image of Japan people have is not necessarily correct. Usually, people have a positive image toward Japan. However, it is only one aspect of the country. There are a number of negative sides, which should be improved and developed. My dream is to find a way to convey all these aspects of Japan to as many people as possible thoroughly and precisely. In this context, tourism has a great power. By learning tourism at a top level with lecturers from a great range of backgrounds, I would like to achieve the goal in the future.
In my next post, I am going to talk about University of Surrey, including a number of attractive points that differentiate the university from others, and the beautiful town of Guildford where the university is located.