London Sightseeing 1

Family at Uni


3月25日(金)の昼間にヒースロー空港着予定だったので、空港まで出迎えに。サリー大学からヒースロー空港までは非常にアクセスが良く、大学の位置するGuildford(ギルフォード)駅から隣のWoking(ウォキング)駅まで10分ほど電車に乗り、そこからNational Express(ナショナル・エクスプレス)という空港送迎バスを利用します。バスの乗車時間は30分程度ですので、うまくいけば1時間もかからずにヒースロー空港まで行くことができます。空港で久しぶりの再会を楽しんだ後、バスに乗ってウォキング駅へ。今回、宿泊先をいろいろと検討したのですが、ロンドンのホテルは高額なため却下、一方ギルフォードのホテルはイースター休暇中ということもありほぼ満室状態だったため、最終的にロンドンとギルフォードの間のウォキングにあるDoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Woking(ダブルツリー・バイ・ヒルトン・ホテル・ウォキング)に宿泊しました。ロンドンまで電車で30分以内という立地とリーズナブルな価格、サリー大学までも近い(母と弟にキャンパスを案内したかったので)という3点を考慮し、ここに決めました。この日は夕方4時頃にチェックインを済ませた後、その足で大学のキャンパスへ。私が住んでいる寮や教室、図書館、大聖堂を案内した後、天気が良かったので池の周りを散歩しました。私が日々過ごしているキャンパスを実際に見ることができて嬉しかったとの感想でした。その後はギルフォードの街へ行き、All Bar Oneで夕食。ここは国内で広く展開しているチェーンのパブですが、店内は明るくバーガーやブリトーなどのフードメニューも充実していて、パブというよりはファミリーレストランに近いような雰囲気です。ビールを飲みながら話に花を咲かせました。

Big Ben

翌日は7時半(!)に起床し、8時にホテルで朝食を済ませてロンドンの街へ。London Eye(ロンドン・アイ)からスタートして、Big Ben(ビッグベン)の前で写真を撮り、Westminster Abbey(ウェストミンスター寺院)へ。ウェストミンスター寺院の内部は荘厳で美しく、中に入って見学する価値は十分にあると感じました。その後は地下鉄に乗ってTower of London(ロンドン塔)へ。ここも非常に立派な建物ですが、とにかく人が多かったのが印象的です。特に王室の貴重品が展示されている宝物館は長蛇の列。私たちは入るのを諦めましたが、おそらく30分以上の列だったと思います。それでも、せっかくロンドンに来たのだからこの機会を存分に活かさない手はない、とばかりに写真を撮ったり列に並んだりする人が非常に多いことに驚きました。観光地としてのロンドンの魅力の大きさを物語っています。

Tower Bridge

ロンドン塔を出たところでTower Bridge(タワーブリッジ)と記念撮影をして、その後はMayfair(メイフェア)にあるフィッシュアンドチップスのお店、The Mayfair Chippyへ。その脂っこさとしつこさが苦手で普段は進んで食べる料理ではないのですが、ここのフィッシュアンドチップスは軽くてふわっとしていて、とても美味しかったです。他に注文したムール貝は一緒に煮込んだ白ワインとガーリックのソースが最高に美味しかったです。

そしてこの日最後にして最大のイベントは、ミュージカルPhantom of the Opera(オペラ座の怪人)の鑑賞。日本で劇団四季の公演を観て以来大ファンの私たち(特に母と私)は映画も何度も観ていて、サウンドトラックCDを聞いた数は数え切れないほど。実際に本場で観るミュージカルは素晴らしくて、圧巻の一言でした。役者さんの歌唱力、小さな舞台を最大限に利用するテクニック、音楽のダイナミックさ。また同じ舞台を観に来たいと心から思いました。


Hello, everyone! The Easter break is coming to an end and university is getting more and more lively these days. Today, I will talk about the London sightseeing tour with my family (first half). It was not a whole family who visited this time, as my father and sister were working, but I was delighted to see my mother and brother; it has been a half year since I saw them last time!

On Friday 25th, they arrived at Heathrow at around 1:30 pm. The Heathrow airport is easily accessible from University of Surrey; you take train to Woking (10 minutes from Guildford) and get on the airport limousine bus (National Express), which takes you directly to the airport. I follow this route and it took me less than an hour to get there. We enjoyed the reunited moment and took the bus back to Woking. It took us a while to choose a hotel to stay this time, as staying in London was extremely expensive while hotels in Guildford were full because it was the Easter weekend. Finally, we decided to stay at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Woking and it was a perfect choice. Great access to London (less than 30 minutes), reasonable price, and located near University of Surrey (they wanted to see the campus!). These were the main reasons why we chose the hotel and I totally recommend it to anyone hosting their families. After the check-in, we went to see University. I showed them my accommodation, classrooms, library, and the cathedral. Luckily, the beautiful weather allowed us to have a nice walk around the lake! Then we went to town and had dinner at All Bar One, a chain pub with a great variety of foods and drinks. We enjoyed catching up with each other with fantastic British beer in our hands.

On the next day, we woke up at 7:30; yup, that’s a typical Japanese tourist behaviour! We had breakfast at 8 and started sightseeing at 10 from London Eye. We moved on to Big Ben, and Westminster Abbey. The Abbey was amazingly beautiful inside. We queued up for about half an hour, but it was totally worth it. Then we took the underground and visited London Tower, another symbolic attraction with a full range of great buildings. The queue for the exhibition “The Crown Jewels” was extremely long and I was impressed to see how passionate people were to see and experience everything they could. That is how attractive London is as a tourist destination and it is simply impressive.

After taking a couple of pictures in front of Tower Bridge just outside of Tower of London, we went to grab lunch at The Mayfair Chippy, the great place that serves delicious fish and chips. Normally, it is not my favourite dish because of its greasy and fatty ingredients, but what we had there was totally different. The fried fish was light and fluffy, which immediately made me a big fan of the place! The mussel we ordered as a side dish was also fantastic, and we enjoyed until the last bit of sauce with white wine and garlic.

Last but not least, we went to see the musical “Phantom of the Opera.” Ever since we (my mom and I, not my brother anyways) saw the musical in Japan and also watched the movie starring Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum, we have been in love with the play. There was even a period when we were listening to the soundtrack CD all day long; that’s how much we adore the play! The musical was breathtaking. The actors, the way they made the best use of the tiny stage, and dynamism of music. All of these factors made the musical so amazing that I want to go back to see it again!

After the great musical experience, we went back to the hotel and had a nice, not-so-long sleep (because we woke up at 7:30 again next morning!). The rest of the story is coming up next week!