We are pleased to announce you can now book study space in the Library using the web or phone apps! Spaces can be booked from Monday 5 October – before then you can access study space in the Library on a first-come, first-served, basis.
(For those of you who have already managed to book seats for this week – you don’t actually need a booking until Monday 5 October, but if you have one in place please feel free to come in and either take up your booked space, or use any other available spaces in the Library).
For the best experience we recommend downloading the Juno StudyTime app (if you’ve already downloaded it, please make sure you have Version 2.14.0 otherwise the app won’t work for you). Your institution code is SUR.
A few things to remember:
- You can book a maximum of 12 hours per day, up to a maximum of 84 hours per week. You can book a space up to 14 days in advance.
- There is priority seating for all final year students in the silent room on Level 5 – spaces in this room can be booked for a maximum of 12 hours per day and 84 hours per week.
- You can’t get through the Library barriers after 5th October unless you have a booked study space, and you’ll need your campus card for access.
- You may come and go from the Library during your booked time slot, but please remember to take all belongings with you.
- If your seat is free at the end of the slot and you want to stay on, you’ll be able to extend the booking without using up your booking quota (you’ll receive an email prompt towards the end of your booking asking if you’d like to extend).
- Our spaces are for individual and silent study only – there are no group study spaces in the Library at this time.
- Please make sure that you wipe down desks, keyboards, mice and other surfaces you touch before and after use, and in line with University guidance please wear a face covering whilst in the Library.
If you have any questions about how to book a study space, or suggestions about how to improve the system, please contact us library-enquiries@surrey.ac.uk.