If you haven’t done so already, don’t forget to head to SurreyLearn and populate your BibliU bookshelf for each of your modules to see which digital textbooks you have access to. Check out our ‘How to use BibliU‘ video or Digital Textbooks page for more information. Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to download your textbooks onto your devices, so that you can access them whenever, and wherever, you want. You can also interact with them more easily – for example, making notes and highlighting important passages – which will make your revision that little bit easier!
We don’t just have digital textbooks, however. Use these alongside the other recommended resources in your module reading list, which will include eBooks, journal articles, films, recommended websites and more. Any ‘physical’ items on the shelves can be borrowed as usual if you are studying in the Library, or requested via our Click and Collect/Post services.
If you have any questions, please chat to us, or email: library-enquiries@surrey.ac.uk, and a member of staff will be happy to help.