Our student curator Sairah highlights a selection of books accessible through the library catalogue on the topic of disability.

Hey guys, back at you with another post and for today’s one I’ve decided to take a moment to highlight the wide and colourful range of resources the library has available on the topic of disability in forms such as physical books, eBooks as well as audio books.
And don’t forget this is only a taster of the many resources your library has to offer you, so if you want to learn even more about this month’s theme, I’d highly recommend doing a little more investigating of your own! 🙂
Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity
By Erving Goffman
A book about the theme of stigma and what it means to be stigmatised and considered ‘different’ by society. Whilst exploring a range of people who could fall into these themes, Goffman does indeed include disabled people as part of his book and writes about their relationship with physically able people using case studies and autobiographies.
The Secret Garden
By Frances Hodgson Burnett
A classic novel being one of the earlier ones to begin tackling the issue of disability representation in literature and includes a wheel-chair using character who takes an emotional exploration into his own mind and capability.
Female forms : experiencing and understanding disability
By Carol Thomas
A more theoretical look engaging in significant debates around the exploration of ideas about disability and its relationship with women’s studies as well as more personal experiences described by disabled female themselves.
Disability Histories
By Susan Burch & Michael Rembis
A collection of analytical essays delving deep into critical areas of the study of the history of disability while bringing readers up to date with recent discoveries in the area.
Disability Hate Crimes: Does Anyone Really Hate Disabled People?
By Mark Sherry
An innovative text exploring the distinct factors of what makes up a disability hate crime, the various pessimistic views about such conditions as well as research into potential policies to put an end to them.
Families Living with Chronic Illness & Disability Interventions, Challenges and Opportunities
By Paul W. Power
A more thought provoking and personal look into life with a disability accompanied with more professional family intervention proposals to assist families on how to cope with a disability within the family.
Are there any books you’ve read about disability that have really stood out to you? If so I’d love to get some recommendations from the university community about any potential ones they think would be a good addition to the library’s collection.