The University of Surrey Library and Learning Centre decorated in LGBT+ rainbow colours
Library opening and service hours
The Library is open 24/7 and Library staff are available at the Library and Learning Hive from 8am – 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Pop-ups in the Library
Centre for Wellbeing
Tuesday, 20 February – 1.30pm – 4pm we are welcoming colleagues from the Centre for Wellbeing. It is good to talk so come and have a chat with the super friendly team on Level 1 of the Library, just inside the gates. Find out more about the ‘Let’s Talk’ Campaign https://stories.surrey.ac.uk/lets-talk/index.html
LGBT+ History Month Display
Our display of books from our SurreyReads collection continues. Please explore the reading list of books by LGBT+ authors and exploring LGBT+ themes https://readinglists.surrey.ac.uk/leganto/readinglist/lists/6769707320002346?institute=44SUR_INST&auth=SAML
Thank you to all students who took part in our Valentine’s Day ‘Blind Date with a Book’ draw. We hope the winners enjoy their ‘dates’ but everyone can enjoy the three books ‘Young Mungo’, ‘The Confessions of Frannie Langton’ and ‘Double Booked’ in our SurreyReads collection.
Regular events in the Library and Online
Academic Skills and Development and Maths and Stats Advice
Drop-ins are held in the Library, Level 1, Learning and Development Zone, as follows:
Meet a Learning Development Librarian or Adviser
Monday and Wednesday, 12 – 13.30pm
Click here to access the details about the AS&D drop-in service.
Meet a Maths and Statistics Adviser, Level 1, Maths and Statistics Hub
Monday, 11am – 1pm, and Wednesday, 3pm – 5pm.
Click here to access the details about the MASA drop-in service.
To find out more about each workshop and how to book your place, please visit the ‘Learning Development Workshops’ section on Surrey Self-Service. Future workshops and more information on the My Learning Development at Surrey Module on SurreyLearn.
In-person workshops this week – held in the Shepard and Bellairs Training Rooms, Library, Level 1:
Wednesday, 21 February, 12 – 1.30pm – How to develop your Dissertation or Final Year Project
Thursday, 22 February, 10am – 11.30am – How to write and effective questionnaire
Thursday, 22 February, 12pm – 1.30pm – Mastering Your Masters
Friday, 23 February, 10am – 12 noon – Statistical Analysis: T-tests and ANOVA
Research Data Management Drop-in
Tuesdays 8 am – 1:30 pm, Research Data Management Drop-in Session, for researchers, just inside the Library gates on Level 1. Book a 1:1 session https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/TestAugust2023@surrey.ac.uk/bookings/ to discuss managing your Research Data or writing Data Management Plans; adding datasets to our Surrey Open Research Repository and more.
IT Services
The Helpdesk in the Library will be staffed 1 – 4pm, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Please see the IT Pages on MySurrey https://it.surrey.ac.uk/ for help or phone 01483 689898 outside these times.
#SurreyLib #UniOfSurrey #SurreyUni