Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Recycling in the Library

Out with the old and in with the new! In conjunction with the University’s Green Team, we have replaced our 230 (!) individual bins in the Library with larger recycling units to help move towards the Green Team’s objectives of 50% recycling and binless offices. You may have to walk a little but further to the […]

SPLASH drop ins begin next week

Come and drop in to see us and get help with your academic studies. As semester begins on Monday our drop ins will be running: 12-2 Monday to Fridays, in SPLASH, level 3 of the Library and Learning Centre. Come and see a Librarian for help with locating books and journals, literature searching, researching information and more […]

SurreySearch is here

The way you search for books and information will work differently following the launch of SurreySearch. You’ll access it in the usual way via the library website, with some fantastic improvements and new functionality: Always sign in straight away to SurreySearch to access a greatly increased range of resources Once signed in you’ll find you can seamlessly […]

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